पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

the commentary on the Sarasvata Vyakarana written by क्षेमेन्द्र as also references in the commentary on the Prakriykaumudi by Vittha- lesa. He is believed to have lived in the tenth century A;D.

नरेन्द्रचार्य the same as नरेन्द्रसूरि. See नरेन्द्रसूरि.

नलोप elision of न्, which in Panini's grammar is sometimes taken as valid for certain grammatical operations,and otherwise for other operations; cf. नलोपः सुप्स्वरसंज्ञातुग्विधिषु कृति P.VIII.2.2.

नवगणी a term used in connection with the first nine ganaas or conju- gations given by Panini in his Dhatupatha, the tenth conjuga- tion being looked upon as a secon- dary conjugation.

नवाह्निकी name given to the first nine Ahnikas or lessons of the Maha- bhasya which are written in expla- nation of only the first pada of the first Adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi and which contain almost all the important theories, statements and problems newly introduced by Patanjali.

नव्यमत a term used for the differen- tiation in views and explanations held by the comparatively new school of Bhattoji Diksita, as con- trasted with those held by Kasika- kara and Kaiyata; the term is sometimes applied to the differ- ences of opinion expressed by Nagesabhatta in contrast with Bhagttoji Diksita. For details see p.p. 23-24 Vol.VII of the Patan- jala Mahabhasya ed. D.E. Society, Poona.

नष्ट elided or dropped; a term used as a synonym of 'lupta' in some commentaries.

नष्टरूपा name given to an anustup verse which has nine, ten and eleven syllables respectively for the first, second and third feet; e.g. विपृच्छामि पाक्यान् देवान् R.V.I.120.4; cf. R.Pr. XVI. 29. The verse has got 32 syllables, but it has only three feet instead of four.

ना (1) tad. affix ना as also नाञ् pres- cribed respectively after वि and नञ् (negative particle न ) in the sense of separation; e. g. विना, नाना ; (2) case ending ना substituted for the ins. sing. affix टा (called also अाङ् in ancient grammars) in the masculine gender after words called घि i. e. words ending in इ or उ excepting such as are called नदी.

नागेश the most reputed modern scholar of Panini's grammar, who was well-versed in other Sastras also, who lived in Benares in the latter half of the seventeenth and the first half of the eighteenth century. He wrote many master- ly commentaries known by the words शेखर and उद्द्योत on the authoritative old works in the different Sastras, the total list of his small and big works together well nigh exceeding a hundred. He was a bright pupil of Hari Diksita, the grandson of Bhattoji Diksita. He was a renowned teacher also, and many of the famous scholars of grammar in Benares and outside at present are his spiritual descendants. He was a Maharastriya Brahmana of Tasgaon in Satara District, who received his education in Benares. For some years he stayed under the patronage of Rama, the king of Sringibera at his time. He was very clever in leading debates in the various Sastras and won the