पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

vrtti on संज्ञायां कन्थोशीनरेषु P. II.4. 20 and संज्ञायां भृत्. P. III. 2.46 where the author of the work explains the word संज्ञायां as नाम्नि. The word is used in the sense of 'a collection of words' in the Nirukta, cf. अन्त- रिक्षनामानि, अपत्यनामानि, ईश्वरनामानि, उदकनामानि, etc.

नामलिङ्गानुशासन a treatise in which words with their genders are given. The term is usually used in con- nection with the great dictionary by अमरसिंह which is called नामालिङ्गानु- शासन or अमरकोष.

नामिन् (vowels) which cause cere- bralization; the ten vowels ऋ, ॠ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ए, ओ, ऐ, औ; cf. ऋकारा- दयो दश नामिनः स्वराः R. Pr. I. 27, cf. also R.T. 94. See the word नति. The word भाविन् is used for नामिन् in the Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya; cf. अकण्ठ्यो भावी V. Pr. I. 46; cf. also नामिपरो रम् Kat. I.5.12.

नारायण (1) name of a grammarian who wrote a commentary on the Mahabhsya-Pradipa; (2) a gram- marian who is said to have written a gloss named Sabda- bhusana on the Sutras of Panini as also some minor works named शब्दमञ्जरी, शब्दभेदनिरूपण, etc.

नारायणवन्द्य a grammarian of the seventeenth century who wrote a treatise on grammar named Sara- vali, and a treatise on roots named Dhatuparayana.

नाव्यवधान necessary intervention; cf. येन नाव्यवधानं तेन व्यवहितेपि वचनप्रामाण्यात्, a statement which is looked upon as a general statement of the ' nature of Paribhasa occurring in the Mahabhasya on P. VII. 2.3.

नाश elision, the word is used in grammar as a synonym of 'lopa.'

नासिकास्थान a place in the nose where a nasal letter such as ङ्, ञ्, ण्, न् or

म् and anusvara get a tinge of nasalization while passing through it. The yama letters e.g the nasal क्, ख् ,ग् , घ् get nasalization in the utterance of the words पलिक्किनः, चख्ख्नतुः, अग्ग्निः, घ्घ्नन्ति; cf. यमो नाम वर्णः प्रातिशाख्ये प्रसिद्धः S.K. on P. VIII. 2. 1. cf. also यमानुस्वारनासिक्यानां नासिके V. Pr. I. 74, R. T. 12.

नासिक्य letters or phonetic elements produced in the nose; cf. नासिकायां यमानुस्वारनासिक्याः R. T. 12. See ( नासिक्य ).

नि (1) personal ending substituted for मि (मिप्) of the 1st pers. sing. in the imperative; (2) a technical term in the Jainendra Vyakarana for the term निपात of Panini.

निःसंख्य not possessed of any number- sense ; the term is used in connec- tion with indeclinables; cf. अव्यये- भ्यस्तु निःसंख्येभ्यः सामान्यविहिताः स्वादयो वेिद्यन्त एव Kas. on P.I. 4.21.

निःसंधि deprived of Samdhi; without any euphoric combination or eu- phonic change.

निक् augment नि as seen in the re- duplicated syllable कनि of the aorist form कनिक्रदत् of the root क्रन्द्; cf. क्रन्देर्लुङि च्लेरङादेशो द्विर्वचनमभ्यासस्य चुत्वाभावो निगागमश्च निपात्यते । अक्रन्दीदिति भाषायाम्; Kas. on P.VII.4.65.

निगम a statement in the Vedic passage; a Vedic passage; sacred tradition or Vedic Literature in general; cf. the frequent expression इत्यपि निगमो भवति where निगम means 'a vedic word, given as an instance'; if also means 'Veda'; cf. निगम एव यथा स्यात् । M. Bh. on VII. 2. 64. Durgacarya says that the word it also used in the sense of 'meaning';cf. तत्र खले इत्येतस्य निगमा भवन्ति Nir. III.9. Durgacarya has also explained the word as गमयन्ति मन्त्रार्थान् ज्ञापयन्ति इति निगमाः, those