पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

प्रयोगपल्लव a small treatise in verses on the conjugation of roots, written by Bhavanatha Misra, son of Ramapati.

प्रयोगमुखमण्डन known also by the name प्रयोगविवेक, an elementary treatise on syntax, attributed to वररुचि, who must, of course, have been different from the ancient grammarian वररुचि.

प्रयोगरत्नमाला name of a recognised treatise on grammar written by पुरुषोत्तमविद्यावागीश of Bengal in the fourteenth century. The treatise explains many words which, al- though current in language and literature, cannot be easily formed by rules of grammar. The author has tried to form them by apply- ing rules of grammar given in the grammatical systems of Panini and Katantra. The alphabet given in this treatise is according to the system of the Tantra Sastra which shows a scholarship of the author in that branch The grammar was studied much in Bengal and Assam.

प्रयोगविधि an elementary work on the three constructions which has no name of the author mentioned.

प्रयोगविषय sphere or domain of the use of words; the whole Vedic and classical recognized litera- ture: cf महान् हि शब्दस्य प्रयोगविषयः । सप्तद्वीपा वसुमती त्रयो लोकाः चत्वारो वेदाः साङ्गाः सरहस्याः बहुधा विाभन्नाः, एकशतमध्व- र्युशाखाः, सहस्रवर्त्मा सामवेदः, एकविंशतिधा बाह् वृच्यम् , नवधाथर्वणो वेदो वाकोवाक्यामितिहासः पुराणं वैद्यकमित्येतावाञ्शब्दस्य प्रयोगविषयः M. Bh. Ahnika 1. Vrt. 5

प्रयोजक causing another to do; causal agent; cf. कुर्वाणं प्रयुङ्क्ते इति प्रयोजकः Ks. on P. I. 4.55.

प्रयोजन object, motive or purpose in undertaking a particular thing;

the word is used although rarely, in the sense of a cause also; cf. इमान्यस्य प्रयोजनानि अध्येयं व्याकरणम् M. Bh. Ahnika 1. For the advan- tages of the study of Vyakarana, see M. Bh. Ahnika 1. See also Vyakarana Mahabhasya Vol. VII pp.226,227, D.E. Society's edition.

प्रयोज्य that which is employed or incited or urged; the word which is the subject in the primitive con- struction and becomes an object in the causal construction, and as a re- sult, which is put in the accusative case being प्रयोज्यकर्म. As, however, the प्रयोज्यकर्म originally occupies the place of the subject in the primitive construction, the term प्रयोज्यकर्ता ( प्रयोज्यश्चासौ कर्ता च ) is often used in connection with it, as contrasted with the term प्रयोजककर्ता which is used with respect to the subject in the causal construction; cf. इह च भेदिका देवदत्तस्य यज्ञदत्तस्य काष्ठानामिति प्रयोज्ये कर्तरि षष्ठी न प्राप्नोति । M.Bh. on P. III. 1.26 Vart. l ; cf. also Kaiy. on P. I. 2.65.

प्रवचन (1) recital of Vedic texts; cf. अथैके प्राहुरनुसंहितं तत् पारायणे प्रवचनं प्रशस्तम् R. Pr. XV. 16; cf also इति प्र बाभ्रव्य उवाच च क्रमं क्रमप्रवक्ता ( बाभ्रव्यः ) प्रथमं शशंस च , R. Pr. XI 33; (2) the reading of the Samhita text प्रावचनो वा यजुषि । प्रवचने भवः स्वरः प्रावचनः ; प्रवचनशब्देनार्षपाठ उच्यते 1 V. Pr. I. 132.

प्रवण circumflex accent; possessed of svarita accent; cf. सुर्वः प्रवण इत्येके । प्रकर्षेण वन्येत व्युत्क्षिप्यते इति प्रवणः स्वरितस्वरः T. Pr. I. 47; cf. also प्रवणे यष्टव्यम् M. Bh. on VI. 2.33.

प्रवर्तकोपाध्याय a grammarian who wrote an explanatory gloss named कैयटप्रकाशिका on the महाभाष्यप्रदीप written by Kaiyatabhatta.

प्रवर्तना incitement or inducement which is the sense of 'lin' affixes in general ;cf. प्रवर्तनायां लिङ्.