पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

ing to the Naiyayikas it is the subject that is the principal word.

मुग्धबोध lit. instructions to the igno- rant; a treatise on grammar simi- lar to the Astadhyayi of Panini but much shorter, written by Bopa- deva or Vopadeva an inhabitant of the greater Maharastra in the Vardha district, in the thirteenth century. After the fall of the Hindu rulers in Bengal, treatises like भाषावृत्ति and others written by eastern grammarians fell into the back-ground and their place was taken up by easier treatises written by Bopadeva and others.Many commentaries were written upon the Mugdhabodha, of which the Vidyanivsa is much known to grammarians

मुग्धबोधटीका a commentary work on Mugdhabodha;the name is given to commentaries written by Rama- tarkavagisa(called मुग्धबोधपरिशिष्ट }, by Radhavallabha (called सुबोधिनी), . by Gangadhara (called सेतुसंग्रह ), by Durgadasa, by Dayarama and by Ramananda.

मुत्वthe substitution of मु for the syllable beginning with द् in certain cases; cf. अदसोसेर्दादु दो मः P. VIII.2. 80.

मुद् a technical term for the sibilants श् , ष् and स् given in the Vajasane- yi-Pratisakhya; cf. मुच्च V. Pr. I.52, cf also V. Pr. III.9,III.13,IV.122.

मुनित्रय the popular and honorific term for the three prominent grammarians of the Paninian sys- tem of grammar wiz. पाणिनि, कात्यायन and पतञ्जलि who were the pioneers of that system; cf. मुनित्रयं नमस्कृत्य Siddhanta-Kaumud beginning.

मुम्the augment म् inserted immediately after the final vowel of the

word for which it is prescribed; cf. अरुर्द्विषदजन्तस्य मुम् P.VI.3.67; cf. also P.III.2.26, V. 4.7 and VI.3.69-72.

मूर्धन् the top of the orifice of the mouth; the place of utterance ( स्थान ) of the letters ऋ, ॠ, ट् ,ठ् ,ड् ढ् and ण्, र् and ष्; cf. ऋटुरषाणां मूर्धा S. K. on P. I. 1.9; cf also षटौ मूर्धनि V.Pr.I.67,R.T.6,R.Pr.I.19, and T.Pr. II.37 where र् appears excluded.

मृर्घन्य letters pronounced at the place called मूर्धन्: cerebral or lingual letters,the letters ऋ, ॠ,ट्, ठ् ,ड् ,ढ्, ण्.

मूल (1) the root of the teeth given as the place of origin for the letter र् in the Rk Tantra : cf. रेफस्तु दन्त्यो दन्तमूले वा. R. T. 8; (2) the main instrutment of the utterance of letters known as मूलकरण or अनुप्रदान.

मूलप्रकृति the original base of the word used in language; the root and the praatipadika; the word परमप्रकृति is also used in the same sense.

मृत the crude base of a declinable word; the pratipadika; the term is found used in the Jainendra Vya= karana; cf Jain. Vyak. I..1.5.

मृदु (1) soft in utterance ; the term is used in the Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya for the क्षैप्र, प्रश्लिष्ट, तैरोव्यञ्जन, and पादवृत्त varieties of the circumflex accent (स्वरित) out of which the पादवृत्त is the softest ( मृदुतम ) and conse- quently always called मृदु, while the others are called मृदु only with respect to the preceding one in the order given above; viz.अभिनिहत, क्षैप्र etc.cf.सर्वतीक्ष्णोभिनिहत:प्राश्लिष्टस्तदनन्तरम् । ततो मृदुतरौ स्वारौ जात्यक्षेप्रावुभौ स्मृतौ ॥ ततो मृदुततः स्वारस्तैरोव्यञ्जन उच्यते । पादवृत्तो मृदुतमस्त्वेतत्स्वारबलाबलम् Uvvata on V.Pr. I. !25; (2) soft, as opposed to hard; the term is used in connection with the first,third and fifth consonants of the five classes.