पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

वर्तिपद is used in the sense of a mem- ber of a compound;cf.वर्तोस्यास्तीति वर्ति समासावयवभूतम् Nyasa on P. II. 4.1 5. (2) The term वर्तिन् is also used for a syllable (अक्षरम् ); cf. वर्ति R.T.47, explained by the commentator as अकारादिषु वर्तते व्य़ञ्जनं वर्ति चाप्यक्षरं भवति | cf. also गुर्वक्षराणां गुरुवृत्ति सर्वे R. Pr. XVIII.32.

वर्त्स्य lit. gingival, or produced at the gums; the letter र् according to some scholars who believe that र् is produced at the root of the teeth i.e. at the gums; cf. एके अाचार्या रेफं वर्त्स्यमिच्छन्ति। वर्त्से भवो वर्त्स्य: ! वर्त्सशब्देन दत्तमूलादुपरिष्टादुच्छूनः प्रदेशः (gums) उच्यते Uvvata on R.Pr.I.20.

वर्त्स्यत् future, belonging to future;cf. वर्त्स्यत्प्रवृत्त्या इह कार्याणि क्रियन्ते Paribhasa 87 given by Siradeva.

वर्धमान (1) a long vowel;(2)name of a famous Jain grammarian, disciple of Govindasuri, who lived in the beginning of the twelfth century A.D.and wrote a metrical work on ganas or groups of words in gra- mmar, named गणरत्नमहोदधि, and also a commentary on it. The work consists of 8 chapters and has got some commentaries besides the well-known one by the author himself. He also wrote two other works on grammar कातन्त्रविस्तर and क्रियागुप्तक as also a few religious books.

वर्ष name of an ancient scholar of grammar and Mimamsa, cited by some as the preceptor of कात्यायन and Panini. If not of Panini, he may have been a preceptor of Katya- yana

वर्स्व्य or वर्त्य gingival, produced at the gums; the word वर्स्व is proba- bly the correct word meaning the root of the teeth or gums; the word वर्स was also used in the same

sense as वर्स्व from which the word वर्स्य could be derived. बर्स्व्य and बर्स्य are only the variant pronnnciati- ons of वर्स्व्य and वर्स्य.The word वर्त्स्य, with त् inserted between र् and स् , is given above as explained by Uvvata from वर्त्स. It is very likely that वर्त्स is wrongly written for वर्स्व or वर्स।

वल् short term (प्रत्याहार) for consonants excepting य्; cf. लोपो व्योर्वलि P. VI. 1.66; आर्धधातुकस्येड् वलादेः P. VII.2.35.

वल (l) tad. caturarthika affix वलच् applied to the word शिखा in the four senses country and others; e.g. शिखावलं नगरं देशो वा Kas.on P.IV.2.89; (2) tad. affix वल in the sense of possession applied to words रजस्, कृषि and others as also to दन्त and शिखा when the word is used as a proper noun ( संज्ञा ) and to the word ऊर्जस्; e.g. रजस्वला, कृषीवलः, ऊर्जखलः etc.; cl. रजःकृष्यासुतिपरिषदो वलच्, दन्तशिखात्संज्ञायाम् and ज्योत्स्ना ... ऊर्जस्वल ..मलीमसाः P. V. 2.112, 113, 114.

वल्लभ named हरिवल्लभ also,who wrote a commentary on Nagesa's Sabd- endusekhara.

वश् short term ( प्रत्याहार ) for conso. nants from व in हयवरट् to the mute श्, in जवगडदश् i.e. all semi-vowels excepting य् , and the fifth, the fourth and the third class conso- nants; cf. नेड् वशि कृति cf.P.VII.2.8.

वशंगम name given in the Pratisakhya works to letter-combinations where a consonant gets a change suitable to the neighboring consonants as given in the Rk.Pratisakhya in IV.1 to IV.5 including जश्त्व, अनुनासिकादेश, छत्व, परसवर्ण, अनुस्वार and others, as given in P. VIII.2.39, VIII.3.7, VIII. 3.23, VIII.4.40, 46, 58,59, 62, 63; cf. न ह्यत्र अवशंगमसंधाविव अपरि- णतानि व्यञ्जनानि संयोगं गच्छन्ति Uvvata on R.Pr.IV.5.