पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

regarded as stronger and given pre- ference to, as far as its application is concerned; cf. तुल्यबलयोर्विरोधो विप्र- तिषेधः । विप्रतिषेधे परं कार्यम् P.I.4.2; (2) contradiction where one thing prevents another; cf. सर्वनामस्थाने इति अनुवर्तमानमपि विरोधादिह न संबध्यते Kāś.on P.VII.1.86.

विलम्बित a kind of tone where the interval between the utterance of two letters as also the time requir- ed for the utterance of a letter is comparatively longer than in the other two kinds, viz. द्रुत and मध्य; cf. ये हि द्रुतायां वृत्तौ वर्णाः त्रिभागाधिकास्ते मध्यमायाम्,ये मध्यमायां वर्णास्त्रिभागाधिकास्ते विलम्बितायाम् M. Bh. on P.I.1.70: cf. also द्रुतविलम्बितयोश्चानुपदेशात् P. I.1.69 Vārt. 11.

विलम्बिता वृत्ति retarding or slow manner of speech in which the letters are uttered quite distinctly; this kind of speech is followed by the preceptor while teaching Veda to his pupils; cf. अभ्यासार्थे द्रुतां वृत्ति प्रयोगार्थे तु मध्यमाम् । शिष्याणामुपदेशार्थे कुर्याद् वृत्तिं विलम्बिताम् R. Pr. XIII. 19. cf. also T. Pr. XXIII. 24. See विलम्बित above.

विलास name of a commentary by Jayakṛṣṇa Maunī on the Madhya- siddhānta Kaumudī of Varadarāja.

विलिङ्ग (1) a substantive which is declined in all the three genders cf. Hemacandra III. 1.142: (2) of a different gender (although in the same case); cf. विलिङ्ग हि भवान् लोके निर्देशे करोति M.Bh. on P. I. 1.44 Vārt 5.

विलोप the same as लोप which see above. The term विलोप was possi- bly in use before Pāṇini's time; cf. उदात्तपूर्वै नियतस्वरोदये परो विलोपोsनियतो यदावरः R. Pr. XI. 26; cf. also विलोपो विनाशः Uvvaṭa on R. Pr. XI.28।

विलोम reverse, in the opposite way; the same as प्रतिलोम which see above.

विवक्षा intention or desire, generally of the speaker with regard to the sense to be conveyed by his words; the words वक्तुर्विवक्षा are often used by grammarians in this sense; cf. विवक्षातः कारकाणि (Pari- bhāṣā) cf. also कथम् । विवक्षातः । M. Bh. on P.I.1.66-67, I.2.64 Vārt. 53, IV.1.3: cf. also विवक्षाधीना शब्दव्युत्पत्तिः Durgh. Vr. II.2.8; cf. also इतिकरणो विवक्षार्थः Kāś. on P.II. 2.27, IV.2.21, IV.2.55,57, etc.

विवरण critical comment; a name given by a writer of commentary works to a critical commentary work written by him; e. g. काशि- काविवरणपञ्जिका ( न्यास ) by Jinendra- buddhi, भाष्यप्रदीपविवरण ( उद्द्योत ) by Nāgeśa, as also लघुशब्देन्दुशेखरविवरण by Bhāskaraśastrī Abhyankar.

विवर्तन transformation; the word is generally used in the sense of transformation of the Padapāṭha into the Saṁhitāpāṭha.

विवार name given to an external effort in the production of a sound when the vocal chords of the glottis or larynx are extended; cf. कण्ठबिलस्य विकासः विवारः Uddyota on M. Bh. I. 1.9. cf. also विवरणं कण्ठस्य विस्तरणम् । स एव विवाराख्यः बाह्यः प्रयत्न: । तस्मिन्सति श्वासे नाम बाह्यः प्रयत्नः कियते । तद्ध्वनिसंसर्गादघोषो नाम बाह्यः प्रयत्नो जायते इति शिक्षायां स्मर्यते Bhāṣya on T. Pr. II. 5.

विविभक्ति possessed of a different case- affix; cf. एवमपि विविभक्तीनां न प्राप्नोति । समर्थात् समर्थे पदात् पदे इति M. Bh. on P. II. 1.1. Vārt 19; cf. also M. Bh. on P. I. 1.27, VI.4.1; VII. 2.82.

विवृत name given to an internal effort (as contrasted with the exter-