पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

in the specific senses given; cf. P. IV. 3.27, 45, 46, 49, 50; (f) to words denoting descendence or spiritual relation, words meaning families and warrior clans, words कुलाल and others, words meaning clans, and students learning a speci- fic Vedic branch in specific senses prescribed; e. g. आचार्यक, मातामहक, ग्लौचुकायनक, कालालक, काठक, कालापक etc.; cf. P. IV. 3.77, 99, 118, 126; (g) to the words शाकल, उष्ट्र, उमा and ऊर्णा in the specially given senses; e.g. शाकलः, संघः, औप्ट्रकः, औमम् और्णम्, cf.P.IV.3.188,157,158; (h) to words with य् as the penultimate, and a long vowel preceding the last one, to words in the dvandva compound, and to the words मनोज्ञ, कल्याण and others in the sense of 'nature' or 'profession';e.g रामणीयकम् गौपालपशुपालिका, गार्गिका, काठिका etc; cf. P. V.1.132,133,134; (2) kṛt affix अक added to the roots निन्द् हिंस् and others, and to the roots देव् and कृश् with a prefix before,in the sense of a habituated, professional or skilled agent; e.g. निन्दकः, परिक्षेपकः, असूयकः, परिदेवकः, आक्रोशकः etc. cf. P.III.2. 146, 147.

वुन् (1) kṛt affix अक added to the roots प्रु, सृ, and लू in the sense of 'a skill- ed agent' and to any root in the sense of 'an agent who is blessed'; e.g. प्रवकः, सरकः, लवकः, जीवकः ( meaning जीवतात् ) नन्दकः, ( mean- ing नन्दतात् ); cf. P. III. 1. 149, 150; (2) tad. affix अक added to(a) the words क्रम and others in the sense of 'a student of'; e.g, क्रमक:, पदकः शिक्षकः मीमांसकः; cf. P.IV.2.61; (b) the words पूवीह्न, अपराह्ण etc. as also the words पथिन् and अमावास्या in the sense of 'produced in': e.g. पूर्वाह्नक,पन्थक, अमावास्यक; cf. P. IV.3. 28, 29, 30; (c) the words कलापि, अश्वत्थ, यव and बुस in the sense of

'debt paid at the time of', the words वासुदेव and अर्जुन in the sense of 'devoted to',and the dvandva com- pounds when the words so formed mean either 'enmity' or 'nuptial ties';e.g. कलापकम् (ऋणम्),यवकम् (ऋणम्) वासुदेवकः, अर्जुनकः, काकोलूकिका, कुत्सकु- शिकिका; cf.P.IV.3.48, 98,125; (d) the words गोषद, इषेत्व etc. in the sense of 'containing' or 'possessing', and the word पथिन् in the sense of 'ex- pert' e.g. इषेत्वकः, पथकः; cf.P.V.2.62, 63; and (e) the words पाद and शत preceded by a numeral, in the sense of वीप्सा, as also in the senses of दण्ड (fine) and व्यवसर्ग when those words are preceded by a nume- ral; e.g. द्विपदिकां ( ददाति ), द्विशतिकां ( ददाति ), द्विपदिकां दाडितः; cf. Kāś. on P. V.4.l and 2.

वृत् a word signifying the end of a particular group of words; the word frequently occurs in the Dhātupāṭha of Pāṇini but not nece- ssarily at the end of each class or group therein; e.g. टुओश्चि गतिवृद्धयोः । वृत् | अयं वदतिश्च उदात्तौ परस्मैभाषौ । Dhātu- pāṭha at the end of the First Conjugation. Similarly वृत् is used at the end of the fourth, fifth, and sixth conjugations.

वृतादि a class of roots headed by the root वृत् which take optionally the Parasmaipada affixes when the vikaraṇa स्य of the future tense and the conditional mood, or the desiderative vikaraṇa सन् is added to them; e.g. वर्त्स्यति,वर्तिष्यते; अवर्त्स्यत्, अवर्तिष्यत्; विवृत्संति, विवर्तिषते cf. Kāś. on P.I.3.92; cf.also P.VII.2.59.

वृत्त (1) arrived at or accomplished,as a result of वृत्ति which means a further grammatical formation from a noun or a verb; resultant from a vṛtti; cf. यावता कामचारो वृत्तस्य ये लिङ्गसंख्ये ते अतिदेक्ष्येते, न पुनः, प्राग्वृत्तेर्ये M Bh. on P.I.2.51; cf also युक्तं