पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

mmar; cf. के पुनः शिष्टाः । वैयाकरणाः । कुत एतत् । शास्त्रपूर्विका हि शिष्टिवैयाकरणाश्च शास्त्रझ्नाः । M. Bh. on P. VI. 1.109; (2) enjoined, prescribed; cf. विपर्ययो ध्रुवशिष्टेSपरेषाम् । R.Pr.VI.120.

शिष्टप्रयोग the forms of words used by the learned people; the expression used by such persons; cf. स चावश्यं शिष्टप्रयोग उपास्यः । M. Bh. on P.I.3. 1 Vart. 13.

शिष्टव्याख्यान explanation (of doubtful things or expressions) given by the learned people.

शिष्यहिता (वृत्ति) a work on grammar written by उग्रभूति of which a men- tion is made by Al Beruni in his work. शी (1) case affix (ई) substituted for the nom. pl. affix जस् (अस् ) in the declension of the pronouns, when the affix जस् is preceded by the vowel अ; e.g. सर्वे, विश्वे; cf. kas. on P VII.1.17; (2) case affix (ई ) substituted for औ of the nom. and the acc. dual after fem. bases end- ing in आ, as also after bases in the neuter gender; e.g. खट्वे रमे; कुण्डे, वने; cf. Kas on P. VII.1.18, 19.

शीघ्रतर lit.over-rapid; an extra quick- ness of breath (प्राण) which charac- terizes the utterance of a sibilant which has got one more property viz. ऊष्मत्व in addition to the three properties (बाह्यप्रयत्न ) possessed by the other consonants; cf. शीघ्रतरं सोष्मसु प्राणमेके । R. Pr. XIII. 6.

शीघ्री a person reciting Vedic passa- ges more rapidly, when his recital results into a fault of utterance.

शीर्षण्य principal; chief ; the word is used in connection with the utterance of Veda passages which are uttered loudly at the time of the third pressing ( तृतीयसवन ); cf. शिरसि तारम् T. Pr.XXIII.12; cf. शीर्षण्यः स्वरः M.Bh. on P. VI.l.61.

शुक्लयजुःप्रातिशाख्य name of the Pratisakhya treatise pertaining to the White Yajurveda which is also called the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya. This work appears to be a later one as compared with the other Prati- Sakhya works and bears much similarity with some of the Sutras of Panini. It is divided into eight chapters by the author and it deals with letters, their origin and their classification, the euphonic and other changes when the Sam- hita text is rendered into the Pada text, and accents. The work appears to be a common work for all the different branches of the White Yajurveda, being probably based on the individually different Prati- sakhya works of the different branches of the Shukla Yajurveda composed in ancient times. Katya- yana is traditionally believed to be the author of the work and very likely he was the same Katyayana who wrote the Varttikas on the Sutras of Panini.

शुण्डिकादि a class of words headed by शुण्डिका to which the taddhita affix अ ( अण् ) is added in the sense of 'who has come from'; e.g. शौण्डिकः, कार्कणः; cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3.76.

शुद्ध pure, unmixed; the term is used (1) in connection with a vowel which is not nasalized ( अनुनासिक); cf. भाव्यमानेन सवर्णानां ग्रहणं नेतेि शुद्धो- यमुच्चार्यते, Kas. on P. VII.1.85; as also, (2) in connection with words which are used in their primary sense and not in any secondary sense: cf. शुद्धानां पठितानां संज्ञा कर्तव्या ; संज्ञोपसर्जनीभूतानि न सर्वादीनि M.Bh. on P.I.1.27 Vart. 3.

शुद्धाशुबोधसूत्रार्थव्याकरण a gloss on the Asubodha-grammar, written by a grammarian named Ramesvara.