पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

VIII. 2.25; cf also तस्मादुच्चश्रुतीनि R. T. 61; (2) authoritative word; the word is sometimes used in connection with the utterances of the Sutrakaras viz. the Sutra.

श्रतिसामान्य common hearing; com- mon form of technically different wordings, such as अा of टाप्, डाप् and चाप् feminine affixes, or ई of ङिप्, ङिष्, and ङीन् fem. affixes; cf. र इति श्रुतिसामान्यमुपादीयते Kas.on P.VIII. 2.18; cf. also Kas. on VIII. 2.42 and VIII. 4.1.

श्रूयमाण heard, presented; cf. द्वन्द्वान्ते श्रूयमाणः शब्दः प्रत्येकमभिसंबध्यते; cf. श्रूयमा- णेपि नुमि स्वरो भवति । पञ्चत्रपुणा M. Bh. on P. VII. 1. 73.

श्रेण्यादि a class of words headed by the word श्रेणि, which are com- pounded with words like कृत if they stand in apposition, provided the word so compounded has got the sense of the affix च्वि i. e. having become what was not before; cf. अश्रेणयः श्रेणयः कृताः श्रेणिकृताः, एककृताः Kas, on P. II. 1. 59.

श्लथबन्ध a loose connection as obtain- ing between the various words in the Pada recital, as contrasted with श्लिष्टबन्ध in the Samhita text.

श्लिष्ट or श्लिष्टबन्ध compact arrange- ment as seen in the Samhita text.

श्लु a term used in the sense of eli- sion or lopa in the case of the affix शप् when it is elided after the roots headed by हु, i. e. roots of the third conjugation as also after any root wherever it is so seen in the Vedic Literature; cf. बहुलं छन्दसि P. III. 4. 76. This श्लु is looked upon as a substitute zero, or nil for the general vikarana शप् in the case of these roots; cf. जुहोत्यादिभ्यः श्लुः P. II. 4. 75. The specific feature of this elision of the vika- rana शप् by means of the term श्लु,

is that it causes reduplication of the roots to which it is added; cf. लुकि प्रकृते श्लुविधानं द्विर्वचनार्थम् Kas, on. P. II. 4. 75 and P. III. 1. 10.

श्लुवद्भाव treatment as before the elision named श्लु, i. e. reduplica- tion of the preceding root. This श्लुवद्भाव is prescribed in the case of the roots भी, ह्री, भृ and हु; cf. भीह्री- भृहुवां श्लुवच्च P. III. 1. 39.

श्लुविकरण roots characterized by the addition or application of the conjugational sign which is elided by the use of the term श्लु for elision; roots of the third con- jugation; cf. य एते लुग्विकरणाः श्लुवि- करणाश्च M.Bh.on P.III. 1.67 Vart. 2, as also on P. III 1. 91.

श्लुविधि the specific operation caused by श्लु viz. the reduplication for the preceding root; cf. तत्र लुकि श्लु- विधिप्रतिषेधः, M. Bh. on P. I. 1. 62 Vart. 6.

श्लोकवार्तिक Varttika or supplemen- tary rule to Panini's rules laid down by scholars of grammar immediately after Panini, com- posed in verse form. These Slokavarttikas are quoted in the Mahabhasya at various places and supposed to have been current in the explanations of Panini's Asta- dhyayi in the days of Patanjali. The word is often used by later commentators.

श्वस्तनी a term of ancient gramma- rians for the first future called लुट् by Panini; cf. परिदेवने श्वस्तनी भविष्यन्त्यर्थे । इयं नु कदा गन्ता यैवं पादौ निदधाति M. Bh. on P. III. 3.15.

श्वास lit. breath; the voiceless breath required for uttering some letters; the term is used in the Pratisa- khya and Vyakarana books in the sense of breath which is promi- nently required in the utterance