पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

the padas into bases ( प्रकृति ) and affixes ( प्रत्यय ) and mentioned several augments and substitutes, the phonetic combinations, which resulted inside the word or pada, had to be explained by reason of the close vicinity of the several phone- tic units forming the base, the affix, the augment, the substitute and the like, and he had to define the word संहृिता rather differently which he did in the words परः संनिकर्षः संहिता; cf P.I.4.109; cf. also संहितैकपदे नित्या नित्या धातूपसर्गयोः । नित्य समासे वाक्ये तु सा विवक्षामपेक्षते Sabdakau- stubha on Maheshvara Sutra 5.1.

संहितापाठ the running text or the original text of the four Vedas as originally composed. This text, which was the original one, was split up into its constituent padas or separate words by ancient sages शौनक, अात्रेय and others,with a view to facilitating the understanding of it, and consequently to preserving it in the oral tradition.The original was called मूलप्रकृति of which the पदपाठ and the क्रमपाठ which were comparatively older than the other artificial recitations such as the जटापाठ, घनपाठ and others, are found mentioned in the Pratisakhya works.

सक् augment स् added to the roots यम् रम्, नम् as also to roots which end in अा before affixes of the aorist tense; e.g. अयंसीत्, व्यरंसीत्, अयासीत्, cf P. VII. 2.73.

सकर्मक a root which, by virtue of the nature of its meaning i.e. verbal activity, requires or expects an object which is covered by the activity; a transitive root. In the passive voice of these roots the object is expressed by the verbal termination and hence it is put in the nominative case.

सकारक accompanied by the qualify- ing words such as the different Karakas or causal agents for the Verbal activity; cf. अाख्यातं साव्ययं सकारकं सकारकविशेषणं वाक्यम् । सकारकम् । ओदनं पचति । M. Bh. on P. II.1.1. Vart. 9.

सकृदाख्यातनिर्ग्राह्या capable of being understood on being mentioned only once just as the notion of genus or generality which is so under- stood; the phrase सकृदाख्यातनिर्ग्राह्या is cited as a definition of जाति; cf. सकृदाख्यातनिर्ग्राह्या गोत्रं च चरणैः सह, M.Bh. on P.IV.1.63.

सकृद्गति or सकृद्गतिन्याय the maxim or convention of the non-application of a grammatical rule of operation any longer when, on conflict with another, it has been once set aside. The maxim is सकृद्वतौ विप्रतिषेधे यद्बाधितं तद्वाधितमेव M. Bh. on P. I. 1. 56, I.4. 2, VI.3.42 etc. cf also Par. Sek. Pari. 40.

सक्रियाविशेषण accompanied by a word qualifying the verbal acti- vity; sometimes a verb with such a word makes a sentence; cf. सक्रिया- विशेषणं चेति वक्तव्यम् । सुष्टु पचति । M.Bh. on P. II.1.1 Vart. 9.

सगति or सगतिक accompanied by a preposition which is called गति; cf सगतिरपि तिङ् P. VIII. 1.68; cf. also सगतिरपि । प्रपचति M.Bh. on P VIII.1.68.

सङ् a short term or प्रत्याहार made up of the स of सन् in गुप्तिज्किद्भ्यः सन् P.III.1.5, and the ङ् of महिङ् in P.III.4.78 with a view to include all affixes from सन् to महिङ्; cf. सङि झलीति कुत्वादयो न सिध्यन्ति, M. Bh. on P.VI,1.9 Vart. 7; cf also M. Bh. on P. VIII.2.22.

सण् tad. affix सण् prescribed after the word पर्शु in the sense of collection; e. g. पार्श्र्वम्; cf. पर्श्वाः सण् P.IV.2.43