पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

in the Tripadi mostly concern the padas or formed words, the pro- vince, in fact, of the Pratisakhya treatises, and hence they should, as a matter of fact, be applicable to words after their formation and evidently to accomplish this object, Panini has laid down the convention of the invalidity in question by the rule पूर्वत्रासिद्धम् P. VIII. 2.1.

सपूर्व together with a word that is put before, and not with any suffix like बहुच् placed before; cf. सपूर्वायाः प्रथमाया विभाषा. P.VIII. 1 26; सपूर्वाच्च P. V. 2.87.

सप्तम the seventh of the vowels stated in the alphabet; a word used for the vowel r ( ऋ ) by ancient grammarians; cf. ओजा ह्रस्वाः सप्तमान्ताः स्वराणाम् R. Pr. I.14.

सप्तमी ( 1 ) the seventh case; the locative case; a term used for the locative case by ancient grammar- ians and Panini; cf. न सप्तम्यामन्त्रितयोः V. Pr. III 139; cf. ईदूतौ च सप्तम्यर्थे P. I. 1. 19. or सप्तम्यास्त्रल् P. V. 3. 10; cf also द्वितीयादयः शब्दाः पूर्वाचार्यः सुपां त्रिकेषु स्मर्यन्ते Kas. on P. II. 3.2; ( 2 ) the seventh of the moods and tenses; the optative mood; cf. Kat. III. 1. 20; Hemacandra III. 3. 7.

सप्तस्वर lit, the seven accents; the term refers to the seven accents formed of the subdivisions of the three main Vedic accents उदात्त, अनुदात्त and स्वरित viz उदात्त, उदात्ततर, अनुदात्त, अनुदात्ततर, स्वरित, स्वरितोदात्त,and एकश्रुति; cf. त एते तन्त्रे तरनिर्देशे सप्त स्वरा भवन्ति ( उदातः । उदात्ततरः । अनुदात्तः । अनुदात्ततरः । स्वरितः । स्वरिते य उदात्तः सोन्येन विशिष्टः । एकश्रुतिः सप्तमः ॥ M. Bh on P. I. 2. 33. It is possible that these seven accents which were turned into the seven notes of the chantings of the sa-

mans developed into the seven musical notes which have tradition- ally come down to the present day known as सा रे ग म प ध नी; cf. उदात्ते निषादगान्धारौ अनुदात्ते ऋषभधैवतौ । स्वरितप्रभवा ह्येते षड्जमध्यमपञ्चमाः । Pan. Siksa. The Vajasaneyi Pratisakhya mentions the seven accents differen- tly; cf. उदात्तादयः परे सप्त । यथा-अभिनि- हितक्षैप्र-प्राश्लिष्ट-तैरोव्यञ्जन-तैरोविराम-पादवृत्त- ताथाभाव्याः Uvvata on V.Pr.I.ll4.

सप्ताध्यायी a term used for the first seven chapters or books of Panini's grammar; cf. येन्ये सप्ताध्याय्यां स्वरास्ते न संगृहीताः । स्युः । M. Bh. on P. VI 1.' 158 Vart. 1.

सम equal in number to something given; cf. यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम् cf. Kas. on P. I. 3.10.

समन्तभद्र a Jain scholar of great repute who is believed to have written, besides many well-known religious books such as आप्तमीमांसा गन्धहस्तिभाष्य etc. on Jainism, a treatise on grammar called Cinta- mani Vyakarana.

समन्वयप्रदीपसंकेत a treatise on the philosophy of Vyakarana written as a commentary by the author दंवशर्मन् on his own Karikas on the subject.

समभिव्याहार utterance together of several vocal elements or words; verbal concomitance; cf अनया परि- भाषया स्त्रीप्रत्ययसमभिव्यहारे तद्रहिते दृष्टानां ... पर्याप्तत्वमतिदिश्यते Par. Sek. Pari. 71.

समाभहार repetition of an action; in- tensity of an action. पौनःपुन्यं भृशार्थो वा समभिहारः Kas. on P. III. 1. 22.

समय the omission of words which have already occurred before in the recital of the Pada and other Pathas or recitals, with a view to avoiding an unnecessary repetition; cf.दृष्टक्रमत्वात्समयान् संदध्यात् सर्वशः क्रमे। पदेन व पदाभ्यां च प्रागवस्येदतीत्य च R.Pr.X.12.