पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्



manyu was an ancient sage who wrote a nirukta or etymological work and whose pupil came to be known as औपमन्यव.

उपमा a well-known term in Rhetorics meaning the figure of speech ' simile ' or ' comparison '. The word is often found in the Nirukta in the same sense; cf. अथात उपमाः | 'यत् अतत् तत्सदृशम्'इति गार्ग्यः । Nir III.13. Generally an inferior thing is com- pared to another that is superior in quality.

उपमान standard of comparison. The word is found in the Pāṇinisūtra उपमानानि सामान्यवचनैः P.II.I.55 where the Kāśikāvṛtti explains it as उपमीयतेऽनेनेत्युपमानम् ।

उपमित an object which is compared. The word is found in Pāṇinisūtra उपमितं व्याघ्रादिभिः P.II.1.56, where the Kāśikā paraphrases it by the word उपमेय and illustrates it by the word पुरुष in पुरुषव्याघ्र.

उपमेय an object which is to be com- pared. See उपमित.

उपलक्षण implication, indication: a thing indicatory of another thing. The term is very frequently found in commentary works in connec- tion with a word which signifies something beyond it which is similar to it; the indication is generally inclusive; cf. Kāśikā on भीस्म्योर्हेतुभये P.I.3.68 भयग्रहणमुपलक्षणार्थं विस्मयोपि तत एव । as also मन्त्रग्रहणं तु च्छन्दस उपलक्षणार्थम् Kāś. on II.4.80. The verbal forms of लक्ष् and उपलक्ष् as also the words लक्षयितुम्, लक्षणीय, लक्षित etc. possess the sense of 'expressing the meaning not primarily, but secondarily by indication or implication'.

उपलिङ्गिन् a substituted word element; cf. शेवः इति सुखनाम । शिष्यतेः वकारः नाम- करणः अन्तस्थान्तरोपलिङ्गी विभाषितगुणः | शिवम् Nir. X. I7.

उपवर्ष an ancient grammarian and Mīmāmsaka believed to have been the brother of Varṣa and the preceptor of Pāṇini. He is refer- red to, many times as an ancient writer of some Vṛttigranthas.

उपश्लेष immediate contact, as for instance, of one word with another: cf. शब्दस्य च शब्देन कोन्योभिसंबन्धो भवितु- मर्हति अन्यदत उपश्लेषात् । M.Bh. on VI. 1.72. The word उपश्लिष्ट is also found in the Mahābhāṣya in the same context.

उपसंख्यान mention, generally of the type of the annexation of some words to words already given, or of some limiting conditions or additions to what has been already stated. The word is often found at the end of the statements made by the Vārttikakāra on the sūtras of Pāṇini.: cf. P.I.1.29 Vārt. 1: I.1.36 Vārt. 3 etc. The words वाच्य and वक्तव्य are also similarly used.The word is found similarly used in the Mahābhāṣya also very frequently.

उपसंग्रह inclusion of something, which is not directly mentioned; cf. प्रसिद्ध्युपसंग्रहार्थमेतत् Kāś.on P.I.3.48,also इतिकरणं एवंविधानामेप्यन्येषामुपसंग्रहार्थम् Kāś. on P VII.4.65.

उपसंयोग (l) union;cf. नामाख्यातयोस्तु कर्मोप- संयोगद्योतका भवन्ति prepositions are signs to show that such a union with another sense has occurred in the case of the noun or verb to which they are prefixed, Nir. I.3.; (2) addition; cf. अक्रियमाणे हि संज्ञाग्रहणे गरीयानुपसंयोगः कर्तव्यः स्यात् M.Bh. on P. IV.2.21. Vārt, 2.

उपसंहृत drawn close: cf. ओष्ठौ तूपसंहृततरौ T. Pr. II.14. The root उपसंहृ is used in the sense of finishing in the Mahābhāṣya; cf. येनैव यत्नेनैको वर्ण उच्चार्यते विच्छिन्ने वर्ण उपसंहृत्य तमन्यमुपा