126 Lesson XXX. XXXI. rue 14. The maidens seated themselves (pass. part.) in the garden to bind wreaths. 15. True friends are able to save from misfortune. 16. The daughters caine (pass. part.) to bow before their parents. 17. How is the delicate body of this fair one capable of enduring penance? 18. You must become a scholar (use Han , and cf. $ 177). 19. You must bring a boat to cross the river. 20. Who is able to stop the mighty wind? 21. The gentlemen (use 29 a) are to read this letter. 22. Having finished the Veda, he went on to study the other sciences. Lesson XXXI. 328. Numerals. Cardinals: 0 1, 2, fa 3, 997 4, ug 5, N 6, 68 7, 4g 8, 4G 9, 10 – Park 11, đến 12, Tit7g13, apa y 14, EZT 15, TCT 16, H T 17, VETEN 18, TET 19, faufa 20. - Varaufa 21, ayfärfa 22, etc. - föra 30, artfina 40, Taina 50, oft 60, Hafa 70, 911- fa 80, gafa 90, ga 100. – fara or @ Tā 200. – HEF 1000, fe or î hê 2000, Taha or 75 100 000. 329. The numbers between the even tens are made by pre- fixing the unit - number to the ten; thus, defaufa 25. But note: VaiTy, not Tonic 11. 42, 52, 62, 72 and 92, either feat- fiya or graº, etc.; 43—73, and 93, either f7° or poyatº etc.; 48–78. and 98, either go or Fete TO etc. 96 is quafa. 330. There are other ways of expressing the numbers between the tens. Thus: 1. By the use of the adj. 37a deficient’, in com- position; e. g. varafagra -20 less 1', i. e. 19. This usage is not common except for the nines. Sometimes ta is left off, and Biafara, etc., have the same value. 2. By the adj. ufura or more’, also in composition; e. g., Fetyagafa (also wafua gafa) 98. MOO Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
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