पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/२०५

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Lesson XLIV. 189 T00 assumes a weak form; but three or four roots in final #take guna. Thus, आप, आपत्; गम्, अगमत् ; धं, अधशत; सुच, अमुचत् । सद्, असदत्; शक्, अशकत्; संस्, अस्रसत्. - Irregular: ख्या, अ- ख्यत्; हा, अहूत्; श्वा, अश्वत्; शास्, अशिषत् ; अस् ‘throw', आ- स्थत् (anomalous). वच् makes अवोचत्, and पत्, अपप्तत्, which, with one or two others, were doubtless originally reduplicated aorists. 489. II. Reduplicated Aorist (3). This aorist differs from all others in that it has come to be attached nearly always to the deriv- ative (caus., etc.) conjugation in अय, as its aorist. The connection is not formal, as the aorist is not made from the stem in , but from the root. Its characteristic is a reduplication, of quite pe- culiar character. 490. The reduplicated aorist is very unusual in classical San- skrit, and it will be sufficient for the present to give an example or two of its formation. Thus, जन् makes अजीजनत् ; स्पृश, अपि- स्पृशत; स्था, अतिष्ठिपत्. The infection is the usual one of imper- fects of the a-conjugation. 491. III. Sibilant Aorist, of four varieties. (4) The s-aorist. The tense-stem is made by adding to the augmented root, which usually has its vowel strengthened. E. g. Īt: Act.: sing. 1. a. पम्, 2. अनैषीस, 3. अनैषीत् ; du. 1. अनैष्व, 2. अष्टम, 3. अनेष्टाम्; pl. 1. अनैष्म, 2. अनेष्ट, 3. अनैपुस्. Mid.: sing. 1. अनेषि, 2. अनेष्ठा, 3. अनेष्ट; du. 1. अनेष्वहि, 2. अनेपाथाम्, 3. अनेषाताम्; pl. 1. अने- महि, 2. अनेढुम्, 3. अनेषत. -- लभ (mid.only): sing. 1. अलप्सि, 2. अलब्धास्. 3. अलब्ध etc. 492. (6) The iş-aorist. The tense-stem is made by adding # by means of an inserted & The root is generally strengthened. E. g. पू ‘purify': Act.: sing. 1. अपाविषम्, 2. अपीवीस, 3. अपा- वीत्; du. 1. अपाविष्व, 2. अपाविष्टम्, 3. •ष्टाम्; pl. 1. विष्म, 2. विष्ट, 3. विषुस्:- Bid, sing. 1. अपाविषि, 2. अपाविष्ठा, 3. अ- Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®