पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/२२४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

208 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 352, 4. bhos see bharant. mastaka n., head. l'bhram (bhrámyati : 131) wander mahant (261) a., great. about, Ait; -+ pari idem. mahānasa n., kitchen. bhrātę m., brother. mahārāja m., great king. Uhrű f., eyebrow. mahişa m., n. pr. mahişi f., queen. makşikā f., Ay, gnat. 1/1mā (māti; mimité : 438) mea- maghavan (270) m., Indra. sure; – + nis work, create. i maji(májjati) siok; t ni idem. mâ adv. and conj., not; used in maņi m., jewel. prohibitions, etc., like Lat. ne, mati f., mind. greek uy; cf. 195. matimant a., shrewd, prudent. māħsa n., flesh. matsya m., fish. māt; f., mother. mathi same as manthan. mādhurya n., sweetness. mad called stem of aham; cf. mānava m., man (homo). mānasa n., sense; understanding. {/mad (mádyati) get drunk; - mānuşa, f. - , human. + pra be careless. märga m., road, way, street. madhu n., honey. mālā f., garland. madhuparka m., sweet drink. māsa m., inonth. madhulih m., bee. mitra n., friend. madhya a., middle; as n., middle; mitradruh (249) a., friend-be- waist. traying. Vman (mányate; manute) think, mina m., fish. suppose; -+ sam bonor. lo mīl (milati) wink; + ni close manas n., mind. the eyes. manusya m., man (homo). muktā f., pearl. manoratha m., wish. mukti f., salvation, deliverance. manohara a., agreeable; entranc- mukha n., mouth, face. ing. mukhya a., principal, first. mantra m., sacred text; spell, V muc (muñcáti: 110) free, release; charm. muktvä, without (312). mantrin m., minister; councillor. V mud (modate) rejoice; - + anu V manth (mathnáti) stir. allow. manthan (278) m., stirring-stick. muni m., sage; ascetic. mandara m., n. pr., a mountain. 1 muş (muşmáti) steal, rob. maranu n., death. musala m. 1., club, pestle. marut m., wind; pl., n. pr., the 1 muh (múhyati) be confused or Storm-gods. | dazed or stupid. Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®