एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

26 Lesson I, II. Exercise 1. va ara: 191 #67 429T121 19 Tafa 13 wa TETA 181 UGT UTAN ATT UTTUI 41 ñ yafai 1 & 1 ta TTT: Ilana: jefe 151 EA QUA I eiga qara: 1901 fe 1991 Terezfar 198 199 TATA: 1931 97 stafa il 98 11 15. *Today? they abandonº. 16. Nowl ye go? 17. Alwaysł I protect®. 18. We two bowl again”. 19. Whither? runnest thou? 20. We sacrifice. 21. They two cook. 22. Ye abandon. 23. He burns. 24. Now we live". 25. Ye two praise. 26. Why? do ye bend?? 27. There they fly? 28. Where do ye dwell? Lesson II. 97. Verbs. Unaccented a-class, contd. Roots of this class which end in a vowel, and consonant- roots not forming heavy syllables (853), gunate their vowels in forming their present-stems; ise e. g., fa ji and i nī form je and â ne; dru and 2 bhū forin

->0 adro and aft bho; Et sms forms F#smar; fera cit and a budh

| " form चेत् cet and बोध bodh; वृष 20rs forms वर्ष 20rs. 98. With the class-sign up a, a final d e of the gunated root es unites to form 4 aya — see § 159; so ut o with yo becomes man pa ava ; T ar with 7 a yields T ara. Thus, for jë, 3rd sing. be sefa jáya-ti; # bhū Hafa bhávati; Et sur arfa smárati. ortatará o Date in consonanta au hudh. 99. Roots in consonants: qu budh, 3rd sing. atufa bódhari ; चित् cit, चेतति cetati: वृष ८r8, वर्षति ०drsati.

  • The superior figures indicate the position in the Sanskrit

sentence of equivalents for the words so designated. By this indi- mas -is :voided the necessity of applying euphonic rules which 96. Force cen stated. The order of words in Sanskrit is very 1. Pregent time influences the meaning of the sentence. From the or of words required in the Sanskrit sentence will narration (“histori Words in Italics are not to be translated. Univ Calif - Digitized by Mierosoft ®,