एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

36 Lesson IV. V. kind (577, gen. pl.). 21. The seer’s? two hands' touch* waters. 22. Fruits' are: (use PTT) on the trees? 23. People' remember3 Hari? 24. Rāmal hurls4 the sword from his handº (abl.). Lesson V. 124. Verbs. Unaccented ya-class. Roots of this class form their present-stem by adding y ya to the root, which bears the accent. Thus from 78 nah is made the present-stem 7€ náhya; from लुभ !ubh, लुभ्य tibhga. 125. The inflection of stems of this class follows the model of वद् cud. 126. Certain #1 ā-roots, because of their peculiar exchanges with g i and & -forms, especially in the formation of the present- stem, are given by the Hiadu grammarians as ending in te or gãi or (cf. § 132), and by them assigned to the a bhū, or a-class. Thus y dhā, “suck' (Hindu Ê dhe), forms Eafa dháyati; the root z hű or hvā (Hindu Ñ hve) forms gufa hváyati; JT gā (Hindu gãi) makes tufa gáyati. 127. For the root en drç, 'see', is substituted in the present- system another root qa paç, which makes urfa páçyati. 128. Masculines in 3 u. 777 bhānu, “sun”. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. भानुस bhanmaus भानू bhani@ । HTorah bhānavas A. HTTh bhānum " , HTTa bhônün 1. H ot bhānunā HTTAITH bhānubhyām Higfaat bhānubhis D. भानवे bhande HTTIJ bhānubhyas Ab. HTTTTH bhānos G. o Hath bhānvos HTTTTH bhānūnām L. भानौ blhdnau HTG9 bhānuşu v. भानो Bhano Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®