पृष्ठम्:Ashwalayana gruhya sutra bhashyam.pdf/३३४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

INDEX OF NON-RGVEDIC QUOTATIONS मन्त्र: सुश्रवः सुश्रवा असि सोमोनो राजावतु

  • स्मृतं च में अस्मृतं च
  • स्मृतं निन्दा च विद्या च
  • स्वधिते मैनं हिंसी:

२६७ पृष्ठाङ्क: ११५ 50 २१२ २१२ ६२ c

  • The entries marked with asterisks are in verse form. For

a few of the non-Rgvedic quotations listed here the sources have been given in the text. A large number of them are however not traceable. Nor is it always possible to determine the exact source of them even in the extant Vedic literature. Those interested in this problem may refer to : V. M. Apte, Mantra Rubrics in Ritual Literature (New Lines of Investigation), C. K. Raja Presentation Volume, Adyar Library, Madras, 1946, pp. 233-40 and Non-Rgvedic Mantras Rubricated in the Aśvalayana-grhya-sūtra: Their Sources and Interpretation', New Indian Antiquary 3, Poona, 1940-41, pp. 49ff. P. K. N. Pillai, Non-Rgvedic Mantras in the Marriage Ceremonies, Trivandrum, 1958. Krishna Lal, Grhya- Mantras and Their Ritual Application, (in Hindi) National Publishing House, Delhi, 1970. ५