पृष्ठम्:Birds in Sanskrit literature.djvu/१७०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Birds in Sanskrit Literature This name contrasts with the ground bird (), the Crow pheasant or Coucal with a similar powerful voice (Art. 37-B). The lexical definition for the latter: कुहरुम्बन:-अभि० चिन्ता• is applicable to both the birds. aga as calling from its nest in after refers to it simply as कुक्कुभ in a list of water birds (पव: पतङ्गः) atp. 529. , p. 159 mentions the reedbed bordering a river but 302 20. Sanskrit कोणालक (Prakrit कोणालग) from कोण a stick, and अलक 'a curl on the forehead', may well be the present bird, and if so the name offers a better relationship with the vernacular or than the name कोपष्टि, 1 कोणालक in the verse below should be the booming Water-Cock or the Black-crested Kalij which too lives in the neighbourhood of water (Art. 55) - "नित्यमत्तविहङगानि भ्रमरैः सेवितानि च । कोणालकविपुष्टानि सारसाभिस्तानि च ॥" रामायण All. Ed. 6, 39.11. कुणाल or कुनाल is the Painted Snipe and these latter would seem to have got mixed up with me as a homonym for two other birds the water-cock and the above named Pheasant ( Prakrit for black and अल a crest). 1. Lapwings and certain members of the Heron group also share the name stufe Arts. 71 and 82. 59 MASKED FINFOOT This bird occurs in the most inaccessible places in the extreme cast of India, and from its Rail-like characters it would pass for a variety of जनकुक्कुट