एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

editio minor, reprinted from the critical editio major which was made for the Konigiothe For two thousand years and more, the tales of the Panchatantra have instruoted and delighted the Hindus. The Panchatantra has exercised a greater influence than any other work of India upon the literature of the world. It was the Panchatantra that formed the basis of the studies of the immortal pioneer in the field of comparative 1iterature, Theodor Benfey. His Pantschatantra laid the foundation of the scientifi० treatment of the history of the fable. From the Panchatantra there came the lost Pahlavi translation, among wh08e effiuxes are some of the most famous books of south western Asia and of Europe, the Arabio Kalilah and Dimmah, the Directorium of John of Capua (1270), the Buchder Beispiele (1483) in German of great wigor and beauty and 30 on, down to that germ of racy Tudor English, Sir Thomas North's translation of Domi (1570), reprinted by Joseph a०obes, London, 1888. Herbel1gives us here one recension of known authorship and date (199), and another the Kashmirian, many oenturies older. To volume 11 Lamman adds an e8ay on The Kashmirian recension, Hertel made a version (Berlin, 1908,Teubner). The typography of both editions is clear andbeautiful. The confusing emboxाments of the stories (a second in the first, a third in the econ and 30 on) are disentangled in a most ingenious and simple way. fessor at the University of Jema. 1912. Page, 232. Roya18. Prioe, $2. The subject-matter is taken from the great epio of India, the Maha-Bharata. Like the Ajax of Soph0cle3 as com pared with the Ajax of Homer, this poem is an instructive ple for the student of literary evolution or literary genetics. For centuries it has been acknowledged in India as one of the aix Mahā-kāvyas or most distinguished speci mems of artificial poetry, a masterpiece of its kind. edited in the original Sanskrit, and Prākrits by Rocप्त.ARD Pा8c ळा, late Profea90r of Sanskrit at the University of Berlin. 1922. Pages, 280. Royal 8 Pice, 3. As descendants of Bhārata, the Hindus are called Bhāratams. Their * continent is called Bhārata-waratha, and their great epio is called the Great. Bhāratam (Story or Fight), Mahā-Bharata. Cakuntala is the mother of Bhārata, and the beautiful story of her birth andlife is told in the Great Epic. This play is a dramatiation of that story. and is the masterpiece of the literature of India. In 1898, Pischel wrote Auagabe u machem.” Eis Prākrit, Grammar was of his hands in 1900. In 1902 he was called to the Berlin profe80rship. The six years of his tenancy were crowded with toil (finds from Chinese Turkestan, etc.). Then came the call to Calcutta, and, in 1908, his death at the threshold of India. Under many difficulties, the book (allbut a couple of aheets) was printed at Stuttgart (Kolhlhammer). Then came the world-confagration. The printed sheets reached America November 28, 1923 of mind. Embracing the Mnemonio Rules, called Yoga-uिtra, of Patafjali; and the Comment, called Yoga-bhashya, attributed to Veda-Wyaaa; and the Explanation, by JAI8 मLAणoसroN Woops, Profe80r of Philosophy in Harvard University. 1914, Dotect) (Google