एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Samarit Grammar. The e8entials, in briefest form and for beginners, as to 30unds and 30und-changes and infection. With an appendix of linguistic Comment, entirely Beparate from the Grammar, and drawाm from English and Greek and Latin. By C. R. Pages, about 50 +-50. Price, १1 0f all the Indo-European languages, Sanskrit is incomparably well adapted as an elementary study for the purposes of mental discipline in general and of rigorous lin guistic training in particular. The transparency of its structure is absolutely unique prefix, root, derivative suffix, infectional ending which in synthesis constitute the word, are easily made the subject of quick and certain analysis by the veriest beginner. Thus Sanskrit serves best to revealthe fundamental principles which underlie the structure of English, Greek, Latin, etc. For these have suffered 1inguistic erosion to such a degree that their original structural features are often no longer recognisable. Thehabit and powerof alertobervation andof linguistio reflection (such, for exampl e, as shows you without reference to any book, the connection of boutch foreign language. One single year of Sanskrit may, with proper books, be made 80 fruitful, that, any intending Anglicist or EHellenist, or Latinist may well hesitate to forego the ummatched opportunity which it offers for winning a habit and a power that shall enable him to tackle his English or his Greek or his Latin more wigorously and effectively. For this purpose, the mastery of Oriental alphabets is of no use whatever. The infections and sound-changes of Sanskrit are farless difficult than is commonly supposed, and are positively easy if you Beparate the difficulties of the language from th08e of the writing. Therefore this grammar prints all Sanskrit words in Roman letters. The use of Roman letters makes clear to the eye, instantly and without a word of comment countles facts as to the structure and analysis of the forms. And by combining in: genious typographio arrangement with the use of Roman lettera, it is possible to accomplish wonders for the visualining memory. The explanatory or illustrative matter, drawn from English, Greek, and Latin, will] be found helpful and often entertaining. Thus palatalisation (important, in Sanskrit becomes ch, 9 becomes.) is illustrated by drink drench, lbourg harge, and so on. The numbers of the Comment correspond throughout with those of the Grammar 80 that, reference from the one to the other is * automatic. Bharatan Readings. Easy and interesting stories from the Mahā-Bhārata in the original Sanskrit. Printed in Roman letters, with a literal English verion. By (C. R. LANo.A. The8e show to the beginner how exceedingly easy the easy epic texts are. They are chosen with common sense and good taste, and are purged of long-winded descriptive pa8ages. They are in simple unstilted language, entertaining, full of swift-moving action and incident. Among them are the story of Cakuntalā (heroine of the master piece of the Hindu drama, and mother of Bhārata: 8e above, page 5), the Flood, the great Gambling-30eme, the Night-scene on the Ganges (in which the fallen heroes come forth from the river and talk with the living), Wipula (who restrains Ruchi from a lape of virtue by hypmotising her), the Man in the Pit (prototype of the famous mediawal] allegory), Nala and Damayant (out down from a thousand stanas to a few hundred) and 80 on. To make easier and quicker the understanding of the text, each stama is printed as four lines (not, two), and the literal version is given in a parallel column. [Digitized by (Google