एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

of fair treatment by Chandragupta, if Chandragupta's own adherents and friends were punished as suggested, and thus the gradual subsidence of old memories and quieting of the kingdom would be delayed. अनुग्रहीतास्मत्पक्षः:=who has taken our adherents into his own favour. व्यायाम्=exertion. As to द्वयीगतिः: Cf. Vîracharita, p. 81. It means two courses.

 P. 177. स्वहस्ते दत्तः : Cf. Malatîmâdhava Notes, p. 66. (L. 304). In the Venisamhâra, p. 77, the phrase दत्तहस्ता occurs, where it seems to mean rather giving help," than "giving proof." But probably this is a later development of meaning. In some of the copper-plate grants recently deciphered, we have the phrase स्वहस्तो मम in reference to the signmanual of the grantor. See inter alia Journal B. B. R. A. S, Vol. X. p. 27.प्रतिपादन = handing over. Cf. Bhartrihari (Niti ), stanza 16.कृतच्नतामात्रओहल:=the only result of which is that the sin of ingratitude lies at our door ---the only temporal advantage which was to be obtained by perpetrating the act of ingratitude, being sacrificed, if the course suggested is adopted. एकत्रवासात्, &c.;=having lived in one place with these subjects of Nandas, enjoys their perfect confidence. पुरुपकार=manliness, bravery. Cf. Kirala V., 52, and Nallinâth on it. सहायसंपदा=by means of his possession of friends. As to कोश see p. 173 supra. अन्तःकोप (p. 178)-internal disaffection. Cf. Das'akumâra. p. 81. हृदयेशयः शङ्कु: =a dart rankling in the heart. विक्रम्य गृहीतः=captured by bravery, force, राक्षसः खल्वसौ. C. the phrase at Viracharita, p. 24, and the similar Marâti phrase राक्षस च तो अभियुक्त bears here the same sense as at p. 172 supra. Cf. Jánakî Parinaya, p. 310. वियुक्तः, &c.=If he were destroyed you would lose a man so good as he is. अथ=or if. Cf. inter alia. Viracharita, p. 31, Kiráta I., 44 and Kâdambari, p. 160. वनराज, &c. Cf. p. 106 supra. The metre of the stanza is Malini, तेन for येन makes the syntax clear and easy. On our reading the construc- tion is like that noted at p. 66 supra, or येन must be taken to continue the speech from प्रशस्यतर:. The reading of the com- mentry evidently included न तावत् after वाक्यशेपः, The majority of MSS. are in favour of something of that sort; and that, there- fore, ought to have been in the text. As to मा तावत् or न तावत् which would both mean no more of that, Cf. S'âkuntala, p. 230. कृत्वा पदं नो गले=in defiance of us. व्याघातो, &c. Cf. P. 126 supra.

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