एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

in a few pages. The remark on the last page clearly shews the pages that are wanting ‘एतानि न सन्ति ३३॥४६-५५६९-७८|१८८-२१९। द्वितीयं पत्रत्रयम् It contains 292 pages in all. It is a very correct Ms, and is nicely written in Devanagari characters. It contains all thhe figures very accurately drawn with letters distinctly marked. Having received it after bhe first nine books were printed of, I have given its earc€ ¢ections in the Appendix. From the 10th Book, they are put down in the footnotes along with those of other Mes. I had great satisfaction in finding bhat the text settled for this edition and the figures constructed by me corresponded with those in the MaUnfortunately the most important portion of bhe Ms, pages 188-219, dealing with the Tenth Book, Prop. 16 to Prop 101, is lostA few technical terms in the Fifth Book are in bhis Ms explained in the margin. The words used in explaining them are निहवति, मिक दार, इबदालि निसयति, तसँखाले निभवति, अरू निक्षबति, तर्क निसवति, कलये निपाति, and सुस्रवा निशसबति. These are Arabic words and bhe work being copied within a few years of its compilation, bhey go to support bhe theory of bhe work having an Arabic work as its original. The Msis desigmated V. The two books which were of great use to me in the con struction of some of bhe figures, particularly figures of the latter portion, were the well-known Gregorys edition of 1708 contain ing all the fifteen books in the Latin and the Greek and ob tained from England through my pupil, Mr. Triumbakrao Jadavrao Desai, Barrister at Law, and another excellent edition, published in London in 1570 by Mr H. Billingsley. It is the first thranslation into English of Euclid's work as its fible-page which runs as under shews The difficultby ot constructing figures will be understood, when it is borne in mind that most of the alternative proots given by Pandit JagannaBha are not found in any nglah edition, that many intermediate steps in the proots of Propositions are omitted, that no authorities are given and that the letters व and F occasion a deal of confusion on account of the creleasness of copyints.

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