8b Rekhagapita has only ten ; and there is no agreement in the order of propositions as shown below:- Rekhaganita. Flossas. 10 Propositions 1, 6 and 8 agree in both. Proposition 5th in the Rekhganita is noticed by Hypsicles after the Brd Prop; but no proposition in Bil.s edition answers to the 7th Prop of our text In Book X. I ind nothing in Bil:s edition to correspond to Prop. 1 in the Sanskrit text, The order of the other proposi tions is as shown under:- Rekhagaita. Bil.'s edition. 2 after Hypsicles , 8. Prop7th Book I. in the Rekhagapita is enunciated in a very ingeniouB way as under: The straight lines drawn from the extremities of one straight line (on the same side of it) can | meet in one point and never in another This enunciation is very like the one found in Bil.s edition:- If from bhe ends of one line be drawn two right lines to any pointthere can not from the self-same ends on the same side be drawn two other lines, equal to the two first lines, the one to the other, to any other point'
पृष्ठम्:Rekha Ganita.djvu/४७
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति