12.5 Dictionary Practice Look up the words in the following list in the dictionary. The words in the list will all be found at the start of an entry (like buddhi) and not buried in the text; the words may be in devanagarT or transliterated in the dictionary. The exercise is to find the word in the dictionary and not to examine the meaning of the word, so simply find the word and note the page and column in the form: buddhi 733b (i.e. page 733, second (=b) column). When you are more familiar with the dictionary, it should take no longer to find a word in the Sanskrit dictionary than it does in the English dictionary, say fifteen seconds. Common errors of first-time users are: (1) Confusing the English and Sanskrit alphabetical orders, (2) Forgetting that 'a' and 'a' for example, are two separate letters, (3) Not seeing what is actually there, both in the list of words and in the dictionary: watch those diacritics! (4) Failing to use the page heading words, (5) Misunderstanding the structure of the devanagarT and transliterated entries, (6) Wasting time by reading interesting but irrelevant entries. You have been warned: but go ahead and fall flat on your face anyway! But then do observe what tripped you up. 1. at man 2. hetu 3. yoga 4. prakrti 5. jnana 6. ananda 7. vyakarana 8. brahman 9. guru 10. rajas 11. citta 12. rsi 13. visnu 14. hrdaya 15. purusa 16. manas 17. sarlra 18. bhakti 19. ananta 20. krsna
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