this word derives, but cannot find adhyaya on page 23 where we would expect it. So we do the same trick again, starting from the left, giving a-dhyaya: but nothing suitable is found under 3T (six entries), nor is the entry word dhyaya found. So we proceed to the next syllable: adhi-aya, adhT-aya, adhya-aya, adhya-aya, adhya- aya, and adhya-aya. Again we find nothing helpful under 3TTh (two entries), but under 3ThT we find the entry word Adhy-aya! Having found the word, we return to the devanagarT level (3ThT), and there the dhatu is given as y/. 14.6 Dictionary Practice Look up the following words in the dictionary and trace their etymology as shown in 14.1 (as an aid, the English equivalent is also given): 1. 3R-RT (fearlessness) 2. H u l (abundance) 3. y rM I $ K (withdrawal) 4. 3l^lHrH (steadiness) 5. R3 c h<Hlq<5 (skilled in painting) 6. Hlm<HlfHrll (not too much pride)
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