The interpretation of other variations in the format is described: (a) When the dhatu is followed by ^T ( = and, also), then this has the same artha as the previous dhatu. (b) When the artha is given as a word followed by ^T, then the artha for that dhatu is that word together with the artha of the previous dhatu. (c) When the artha is followed by Hl^cl , it means that this artha is not given elsewhere in the Dhatu-Patha. (Hl^cl = ^T-3^Tn = not spoken, i.e. not mentioned elsewhere.) (d) When the artha is followed ^T^% (= ^m-^ = thus in one) or ffcT^T (= ^ I n-3i "™M = thus in another), this refers to artha given in different versions of the Dhatu-Patha as handed down, and are comments by the compiler of this edition. (e) Where the artha is given as a samasa ending in 3PTt« (prathama bahu-vacana of 3PT; bahu-vacana because the artha applies to several dhatu), then ' 3T 5 Tt« ' may be translated as 'for the purpose of, i.e. expressing motive. For example, dhatu W™{ has the artha f^TPlf: (ff^TT = injury, harm- MWl 297c), and may be construed as 'for the sake of (causing) injury', or 'with the aim of harming'. (f) Some entries have an unusual format, enclosed by purnavirama (II) and may have the order of dhatu and artha reversed: these dhatu have a special meaning when they are I <H rl causatives (treated as having an ffcT 3-T which prevents the normal lengthening of 3T in the causative). 15.4 The Index In the body of the Dhatu-Patha the dhatu are grouped together according to common grammatical features of their development into words. This ordering is not at all helpful in seeking the entry for the dhatu. Fortunately the Dhatu-Patha includes an index listing the dhatu in alphabetical order and indicating where each dhatu is listed in the body. The index also provides more grammatical information, some of which is helpful in finding the correct dhatu.
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