Answers: Lesson 3 3.B.3.C.I. The horse leads the man. 2. The man and horses (two) are standing. 3. The horses (two) lead the man to the trees (pi.). 4. The horse stands and the man speaks. 5. The man and the horse are leading. 6. We (pi.) lead the men (two) to the trees (pi.). 3.B.3.d.l. narah asvam nayate 2. asvau naram nayete 3. narah vadanti nayante ca 4. asvah naram vrksam nayate 5. vrksah asvah ca tisthatah 6. narah asvan nayante Answers: Lesson 4 4.B.3.d.l. The horse carries the man to the tree. 2. The man goes to the tree by horse. 3. You (pi.) take the trees (pi.) from the horse. 4. The horse carries the tree for the man. 5. The man and the horse go from the tree. 6. He leads the horse from the tree for the man. 4.B.3.e.l. asvena gacchati 2. asvam naraya nayethe 3. vrksan asvaih vahanti 4. asvan vrksat gacchamah 5. vrksam narat asvena labhavahe 6. asvah naram vrksebhyah vahanti
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