6.B.3.d.l. narah tisthati ca bala vadati 2. asvam nayethe ca phalam labhe 3. narah bala ca vrksesu asvabhyam gacchatah (assume two horses). 4. naram balam ca asvam vrksat labhavahe 5. narah vrksan asvena phalebhyah gacchati 6. bala phale vrksat asvebhyah labhate 7. asvah vrksam balam naraya vahati 8. narah asvam phalena nayate 9. asvah phalani balah naraya vahati 10. bale asve tisthatah ca phalam vrksat labhete Answers: Lesson 7 7.B.2.e.l. balam vrksat narasya asvam vahavah 2. narah bala ca tisthatah vadatah ca 3. asvah vrksasya phale balabhyah labhate 4. balayah asvah phalani naraya vahati 5. narah vrksasya phalam balayai labhante 6. narasya bala asvan vrksan nayate 7.B.2.f.l. We (two) carry the girl from the tree to the man's horse. 2. The man and the girl stand and talk. 3. The horse takes the tree's fruit (two) from/for the girls (pi.)- 4. The girl's horse carries the fruit (pi.) for the man. 5. The man takes the fruit (s.) of the tree for the girl. 6. The man's girl leads the horses (pi.) to the trees (pi.). 7.B.2.g.l. phalani vrksat asvena vahatha 2. balayah asvau phalani naram labhete 3. asvam vrksasya phalani nayethe 4. narah vrksam asvat balayai labhate 5. bala asvah ca vrksesu phalebhyah gacchatah 6. asvah vrksan narebhyah vahanti ■ ■ a *J m
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