7.B.2.h. 4>rilA pTTcT 3T%T ^Tl ? II «llriWI: 3Pfr 4>rilA TOT ^T^l Q II 3P5PT pTCT M^rtlPl ^T^l 3 II TO pPT 3TOTcT ^Tc^ rTJ#l 8 II ^TrTT 3P5T: ^ phT ^T«r: ^rp^^: I a II C so 3P5T: pTR =ft«T: ^T^l £ II Answers: Lesson 8 8.B.5.C.I. bala agnim sundarat narat gacchati 2. narah alpam vrksam balam agnaye slghram labhate 3. sundarT bala alpam asvam nadim nayate 4. narau sundarani phalani alpat vrksat labhete 5. guravah alpam sundaram asvam nadyau nayante 6. alpah vrksah sundare agnau tisthati 8.B.5.d.l. The girl goes to the fire from the handsome man. 2. The man quickly takes the small tree to the girl for fire. 3. The beautiful girl leads the small horse to the river. 4. The men (two) take the beautiful fruit from the small tree. 5. The teachers (pi.) lead the small beautiful horse to the rivers (two). 6. The small tree stands in the beautiful fire. 8.B.5.e.l. narasya guruh nadim asvena gacchati 2. bala alpam phalam narasya gurum vahati 3. balayah guruh alpayam nadyam tisthati 4. guroh bala sundare asve tisthati 5. sundarT bala naram alpam gurum slghram nayate 6. guruh alpasya vrksasya sundaresu phalesu tisthati
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