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SO s» so so so Answers: Lesson 9 9.B.5.C.I. narah phalani labhate iti bale vadatah 2. he guro bale nayase iti alpah narah vadati 3. asvah vrksasya phalani balayai vahati 4. phalam vrksayat asvena naraya vahatah 5. vrksam alpau agnT asvaih slghram vahami 6. nadT alpam vrksam sundarlm balam vahati 9.B.5.d.l. "The man is taking the fruit (pi.))" the girls (two) say. 2. "O teacher, you are leading the (two) girls," the small man says. 3. The horse carries the fruit (pi.) of the tree for the girl. 4. They (two) carry the fruit (s.) from the tree by horse for the man. 5. I quickly carry the tree to the small fires (two) by horse (pi.). 6. The river carries the small tree to the beautiful girl. 9.B.5.e.l. phalani asvam labhe iti bala gurum vadati 2. vrksam nadlm vahami iti narah balam vadati 3. balayah phale naram slghram labhadhve 4. phalani balayah vrksat labhavahe 5. narah bala ca sundaram gurum nadya gacchatah 6. sundarT bala asvam alpan vrksan phalebhyah nayate