4. mw8c A-capalya, am, n. freedom from unsteadiness. MWla 3T 3. a ... having a negative or privative or contrary sense. Mw393a Capalya, n. . . . agitation, unsteadiness, fickleness Mv393a "^IHrt capala, n. (from cap ) mobility . . . unsteadiness. Mv388b "^Hrt capala, mf(a)n. {-^Jkamp . . . ) shaking, trembling Mv252b ch^-M kamp, cl.l. A. ... to tremble, shake 5. Mv396b Citra-karman . . . °rma-vid, mfn. skilled in the art of painting . . . Note: See 10.B.1 on page 83: ... if the pratipadika ends in -an, then the n is dropped . . . Mv396b Citra-karman n. any extraordinary act . . . painting . . . Mv396a Citra, mf(a)n. conspicuous, excellent, distinguished . . . Mv395b Ncl A.cit, cl.l. ... to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to . . . Mv258b ch-HH karman, a, n. ... ^Jkri . . . act, action, performance . . . mw300c ^> l.kri . . . cl.2.P. ... to do, make, perform, accomplish . . . Note: It is not the second dhatu ^> on 304a because its meaning given in translation is not appropriate to that given for karman. mw963c 2.Vid, mfn. knowing, understanding, a knower Mw963b Ih<5 l.vid, cl.2. P. . . . to know, understand, perceive, learn . . . Note: This has a more appropriate meaning than 4.Vid on page 965a, or its dhatu Ih<5 3. via 1 on 964c. 6. Mv523b Nati . . . -manin . . . (°ni-ta, f., Bhag.) Nati . . . -manin, mfn. not too proud or arrogant. Nati (for na+ ati . . .), not very much, not too. Mv523a «T 2.na ind. not, no, nor, neither . . . MWl2b Ati . . . prefix . . . excessive, extraordinary, intense, too . . . Mv810b J-Hm^ manika, manita, 1.2. manin. See p809, cols. 2 and 3. Mv809b Mani -ta f. (ifc.) fancying that one possesses, imaginary . . . Mani, in comp. for 1. manin. mw809c 1. Manin mfn (fr. ^Jman or fr. l.mana) . . . haughty, proud . . . Mv809a <HM l.mana, m. (^man) opinion . . . self-conceit, pride . . . Mv783a <HH man, cl.8.4. A. . . . to think, believe, imagine.
पृष्ठम्:Sanskrit Introductory.djvu/१४२
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