एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Answers: Lesson 15 MWl24b 3TIT3T nom. sg. T. Mv232b ^c| ind. just so, indeed, truly, really. Mv3b 3T<8fPT a-kshaya mf(a)n. exempt from decay, undecaying. MWla 3T 3. a . . . having a negative or privative or contrary sense. Mv328a 3. kshaya m. loss, waste, wane, dimunition, destruction, decay. Mv328a i/T^fl 4:.kshi cl.l.P. to destroy, corrupt, ruin, kill, injure. Dh.P. f$T ^T° TT 3P a Q 1 1% ST^I Mv278a W*W) 2.kala m. (y/3. kal to calculate or enumerate) . . . time (in general). Mv260a i/chrt 3.fca/ ... P. (rarely A) . . . to impel, incite, urge on . . . Note: Of the four entries for chrt , the first may be eliminated because it is atmane-pada, and for the others the artha must be examined. The last is selected as being most suited to the dhatu meaning given in the original word chlrt . Dh.P. W^i ^° T° %° 8Q Q I ^ $fr | Dh.P. ^ ^ 3° %° 8a ? I ^ 3Tn^K^Tl Dh.P. ^ ^° 3° %° 8£ ? I TO WT 4H^jl3 xTI Mv329a Kshepe m. a throw, cast . . . moving to and fro, sending, dismissing . . . delay, procrastination . . . insult, invective, abuse. Mvl62a A-svadana n. the act of eating, tasting, enjoying. Mv347a Gati f. going, moving, gait . . . movement in general. Mvll28b Sam-khyana n. becoming seen, appearance, reckoning, enumeration, calculation . . . measurement. Mv514a Dhatri m. establisher, founder, creator, bearer, supporter, arranger. Mv513b y/^l l.dhd cl.3. P. A. to put, place, set . . . direct or fix the mind or attention upon . . . appoint, establish, constitute; to make, produce, generate, create, cause. Dh.P. [5]^TT3T ^P 3° 3T° QS Q I ^TT3T -MKU|ifit|U|4|: | L s© J -s s© so >, Mv515a Dharana mf(l)n. holding, bearing, keeping, preserving, maintaining . . . n. the act of holding, bearing . . . immovable concentration of the mind upon. Mv650b HH -na mfn. nourishing; n. the act of nourishing, keeping, supporting. mw994c Visva-to-mukha in comp. for visva-tas, mfn. facing all sides, one whose face is turned everywhere. mw994c Visva-tas ind. from or on all sides, everywhere, all round, universally . . . Mv992b Tq J ^" mf(a)n. (probably from y/l.vis to pervade) all, every, everyone; whole, entire, universal, all-pervading, all-containing, omni-present. Mv989a ^/Tq"5l l.vis cl.6. P. to enter, pervade, to be absorbed in . . . Dh.P. to cT° V 3P 3S ? I f^T y%3FTl