Sanskrit Glossary and Index Each entry word is given a simple translation (in single quotes where it is literal); followed by a brief description, and page reference(s) to where the word may be more fully described or applied. A-kara: the sound or letter a. [21] Avasana: cessation of sound, e.g. at the end of a line of verse. [85, 87] A-ghosa, unvoiced: characteristic of those consonants that are uttered with the vocal Avyaya, indeclinable: that class of words cords not vibrating. [14, 73] that do not have vibhakti endings. [9, 75] Anga, stem: that part of an inflected word AvyayTbhava Samasa: an adverbial that remains unchanged (except for sandhi) compound, the first word of which is the in the process of inflection. [9] more important. [83, 89] An-udatta, 'not raised': one of the three Astan, eight: the cardinal number; the pitches or tones (svara) of the vowel accent figure eight. [64] system of Vedic Sanskrit. [71] Atmane-pada, 'expression for oneself: Anunasika, nasal: characteristic of those verbal voice. [25, 104, 113] sounds uttered through both nose and month M4 731 Atmane-bhasa, 'expression for oneself: verbal voice, synonymous with atmane- Anubandha, 'bound along with': a letter pada. [113] or syllable attached to a dhdtu and marking _ some peculiarity in its inflection. [110] Abhyantara-prayatna, 'inner effort': the method (within the mouth) of articulating Anusvara, 'after sound': (1) a nasal sound sounds. [13, 73] following a svara. [6] (2) sandhi substitute for an m before a consonant. [64,86] Itaretara Dvandva Samasa: the basic copulative compound whose number is the Antahstha, 'stand between': general name sum of its members. [88, 111] for the semi- vowels ya ra la va. [21, 79] Iti, 'thus': used as inverted commas, or Artha, 'meaning': the word(s) provided in separating a word from its definition. [75] the Dhatu-Patha as the sense of the meaning _ of a dhdtu. [109-112] Isat-sprsta, 'slight contact': the 'inner effort' applicable to the semi-vowels ya ra Ardha-sprsta, 'half-contact': the 'inner la and va. [21,73] effort' applicable to the usman consonants _ sa sa sa and ha. [22] Isad-vivrta, 'slightly open': the 'inner effort' applicable to the usman consonants A-luk Samasa: a samasa wherein the first sa sa sa and ha. [22, 73] word does not lose its vibhakti. [83] Uttama-Purusa, 'last person': grammat- Alpa-prana, 'little breath': characteristic ical person, distinction in verb endings of those consonants uttered with minimal denoting the agent of the verb ( = English breath. [14-15,73] first person). [9] Avagraha, 5": symbol for the elision of Udatta, 'raised': one of the three pitches 3T at the beginning of a word due to or tones (svara) of the vowel accent system sandhi. [63,80] in Vedic Sanskrit. [71,91]
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