Tatpurusa Samasa, determinative com- pound: in which the first word qualifies the second. [83] Ta-varga, ta-gioup: the group of stops beginning with ta, i.e. ta tha da dha na. [13, 63] Talavya, palatal: the mouth position associated with the pronunciation of i, ca- varga, ya and sa. [13, 23, 73] Tin- Vibhakti, verbal suffix: the suffix of the kriyd indicating purusa and va- ccina. [9, 32] Trtlya Vibhakti, third case: instrumental suffix to nouns and adjectives. [33, 51] Tri, three: the cardinal number; the figure three. [64] Dantosthya, dental and labial: the mouth position associated with the pronunciation of the English T and V. [15, 21] Dantya, dental: the mouth position associated with the pronunciation of /, ta- varga, la and sa. [13, 23, 73] Dasan, ten: the cardinal number; the figure ten. [64] Dlrgha, 'long': the long measure, or vowels having this measure. [1,5] DevanagarT, 'city of immortals': (1) the name of the Sanskrit script. [1] (2) variations in symbols. [71] (3) used in dictionary. [92] Dva, two: the cardinal number; the figure two. [64] Dvandva Samasa, copulative compound: a type of compound in which the words are of equal importance. [83,88] Dvigu Tatpurusa Samasa: a determina- tive compound having a numeral or word denoting direction as its first member. [88] Dvitiya Vibhakti, second case: accusative affix to nouns and adjectives. [26, 51] Dvi-vacana, 'two-speaking': grammatical dual number; the word suffix denoting that two persons or things are referred to. See also eka- bahu-vacana. [17, 26] Dhatu, root: rudimentary meaningful verbal element from which words are derived. [8, 92, 103, 104, 109, 113] Dhatu-Patha, 'recitation of roots': name of a book giving the sense of meaning and grammatical information about each dhatu. [109-116] Nan- Tatpurusa Samasa: determinative compound with a negative particle as its first member. [89] Napumsaka-linga, neuter: one of the three grammatical genders. [26, 50] Navan, nine: the cardinal number; the figure nine. [64] Nama-dhatu, nominal verb: a verb derived from a noun. [75] Naman, 'name': a noun, one of the four types of word in Sanskrit. [75] Nipata, particle: one of the four types of word in Sanskrit. [75] Paiican, five: the cardinal number; the figure five. [64] PancamT Vibhakti, fifth case: ablative suffix to nouns and adjectives. [33,51] Pada, word: (1) traditionally divided into four types. [75] (2) general name for a fully inflected word. [86] (3) verbal voice, see atmane-pada and parasmai- pada. [25, 104, 113] Parasmai-pada, expression for another: verbal voice. [25,104,113] Parasmai-bhasa, expression for another: verbal voice, synonymous with parasmai- pada. [113] Pa-varga, pa-group: the group of stops beginning with pa, i.e. pa pha ba bha ma. [13, 63]
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