2.B.2 Exercises (a) Practise sounding the sixteen matrka in their correct order. (b) Practise reading and writing the sixteen matrka in Roman script and devanagarT. (c) Translate the following sentences into English: 1. tisthanti vadatah ca 2. tisthathah vadavah ca 3. vadamah tisthatah ca 4. tisthasi vadathah ca 5. tisthatha vadathah ca 6. vadatah tisthamah ca 7. tisthati vadanti ca 8. tisthasi vadavah ca (d) Translate the following sentences into Sanskrit: 1. We (two) stand and you (pi.) speak 2. You (two) speak and they (pi.) stand 3. You (two) stand and speak 4. They (pi.) stand and I speak 5. He stands and you (pi.) speak 6. They (two) speak and he stands 7. We (pi.) stand and you (two) speak 8. You (pi.) speak and you (sing.) stand
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