Lesson 4.B 4.B.1 Summary of Verbs The tin- vibhakti (personal endings of verbs) are grouped into three's, which means that one vibhakti consists of the three vacana forms. Thus three vibhakti cover one entire pada. It would be useful to practise sounding the full conjugation of dhatu nT, with a pause between each vibhakti and a longer pause between each pada. Thus the pattern is: nayati-nayatah-nayanti (pause) nayasi-nayathah-nayatha (pause) nayami- nayavah- nay amah (longer pause) nayate-nayete- nay ante (pause) nayase- nayethe-nayadhve (pause) naye-nayavahe-nayamahe. As with practising the alphabet, it is far more effective to sound this once, ten times a day, than ten times once a day. For your convenience a reference sheet with the full conjugation of dhatu nT is given below: this also has a list of all the verbs that will be used in the simple sentence exercises. parasmai-pada atmane-pada eka- dvi- bahu- vacana vacana vacana nay at i nay at ah nay ant i prathama- purusa m p Ur u S a ™ a " nayasi nayathah nayatha uttama- purusa eka- dvi- bahu- vacana vacana vacana nay ate nayete nay ante nayase nayethe nayadhve nayami nayavah nayamah naye nayavahe nayamahe i/gam gacchati he goes. 1/nT nayate he leads. yiabh labhate he takes. i/vad vadati he speaks. i/vah vahati he carries. ystha tisthati he stands.
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