6.B.4 Exercises (a) Practise reading and writing all the letters of the alphabet. (b) Practise sounding the full declension of bala and phala. (c) Translate the following sentences into English: 1. bala asvam vrksam phalaya nayate 2. asvah naram ca balam ca vrksam vahati 3. narasya asvah phalam balayah labhate 4. narau vrksanam phalani asvam labhete 5. balah naran phalani asvena nayante 6. bale vrksesu tisthatah vadatah ca 7. vrksau gacchami ca phalani labhe 8. narah phale vrksat balayai vahati 9. bale phalani narasya vrksat labhete 10. bala narah ca vrksam asvam vahatah (d) Translate the following sentences into Sanskrit: 1. The man stands and the girl speaks. 2. You (two) lead the horse and I take the fruit. 3. The man and the girl go among the trees by horse. 4. We (two) take the man and the girl from the tree to the horse. 5. The man goes to the trees (pi.) by horse for fruit (pi.). 6. The girl takes the fruit (two) from the tree for the horses (pi.). 7. The horse carries the tree to the girl for the man. 8. The man leads the horse by means of fruit. 9. The horse carries the fruit (pi.) to the girls for the man. 10. The girls (two) stand on the horse and take the fruit (s.) from the tree.
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