9.B.3 Exercises (a) Practise sounding the alphabetical order (which should be familiar by now) following it through the diagram on page 73; once familiar with the relationship of the alphabetical order to the diagram, thereafter practice sounding the order while following the alphabet chart on page 74. Associating the sound/letter with its position on the chart provides a visual 'short-cut' to where a sound/letter is in relation to the alphabetical order as a whole: this will prove to be a very useful trick when using the dictionary. (b) Write out the alphabet once per day, in the form given in the chart on page 74 (ideally ^T should be on a line by itself). (c) Write the following sentences in Roman transliteration: =R: 4>rilA c=TJ# ^fcT ^T% *RcT: I ? II 3Pff: pTPT i+rilA TO# ^fch 3 II WHT pTPTTrT 3T%T WT ^RTcT: I 8 II f$PT 3TrTT 3H=fr 3T%: star ^Tf^Tl a II -s C -s. so >, -s N (d) Now translate the sentences in (c) into English. (e) Translate the following sentences into Sanskrit using Roman transliteration: 1. "I am taking the fruit (pi.) to the horse," the girl says to the teacher. 2. The man says to the girl that he is carrying the tree to the river. 3. You (pi.) are quickly taking the girl's fruit (two) to the man. 4. We (two) take the fruit (pi.) from the girl's tree. 5. The man and girl go to the handsome teacher by river. 6. The beautiful girl leads the horse to the small trees (pi.) for fruit (pi.). (f) Now write your answers to (e) in devanagarT.
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