10. B. 3 Exercises (a) Practise sounding the alphabetical order while following the consonants on the alphabet chart on page 74. (b) Write out the alphabet chart on page 74 once per day from memory. (c) Join the following word pairs using vowel sandhi: this exercise is most usefully done in sound alone, i.e. by repeatedly pronouncing the word pairs aloud very swiftly, and then writing down what is heard: the results may afterwards be checked against the rules or the sandhi grid. Do remember that the purpose of the exercises is a practical understanding: one learns from mistakes, not from right answers! 1. f% + 3T^T 16. %<ft+3TR^ 2. ^Tr^r + 3TR^ i7. fWr + 3rr¥T 3. ^mr + t^r is. wr + zn^f SO ^ -N 4. ^ + <^R 19. ^ + ^fcT 5. 3T^ + ^ 20. f^ + 3TFT^ 6. JT + 3Trfc 21. TT+3PF: ©s 7. 3TFT^? + '<?rPT 22. JT^ + aTT^Ff 8. ^T + ^T 23. fTfT + ^$" 9. JT^T + 5ftR 24. cpr^ + 3TR^ 10. ^+3PT 25. ^T + ^PT 11. STTpf + 3TTrrPT 26. ^ + ^ i2. =rfr + ^r 27. f$R + 3Tk^JT 13. JT^T + S^ 28. aR+^chccW 14. irrcrr + '^cr 29. wr + t^ 15. ^ + 3TT% 30. -5rf^ + -^nT
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