एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति


used, falls in the period A. D. 700-770. Mention, however, should be made of the controversy which has raged over the authorship of the Nyayapraveca, which is ascribed with equal confidence to Dignaga 1 and to Cafikarasvamin 2 ; a final judgement is difficult, and the matter has been dealt with by me at length in an article to appear elsewhere. 3 It should also be noted that Professor Jacobi 4 has now admitted that the Nyaya Sutra knows the Vijnanavada system, on the ground that the Sutra in iv. 2. 26 deals with a Vijnanavada tenet found in the Lankavatara ; I have already dealt with this suggestion, ,r ' and pointed out that it possesses no cogency. Professor Jacobi's further suggestion that Vatsyayana knew Vasubandhu and may be placed c. 400 accords with the results adopted by me on the score of other evidence. He criticizes the well-known attempt of S. C. Vidyabhusana to prove that Uddyotakara and Dharmaklrti were contemporaries, on the ground that (1) Uddyotakara must have flourished a generation before Bana since he was known to Subandhu, and (2) Dharmaklrti cannot have attained literary fame before Hiuen Tsang's stay in India, since he ignores him as an author of standing. These arguments are not conclusive, and it is quite possible that Subandhu, Bana, Uddyotakara, and Dharmaklrti were more or less contemporaiies ; this issue also will be dealt with elsewhere. But Professor Jacobi renders it very probable that Dignaga, perhaps even Dharmaklrti, was known to the well- known Manimekhalai in Tamil. 7

On the interesting issue of the effect of Indian philosophy on Schopenhauer and of the present importance of that philosophy for western thought reference may be made to the Fwifcehntes Jahrbuch der Schopenhauer- Gesellschaft, 1928. An eneigetic polemic against the view of early influence of Indian on Greek philosophy has been delivered by Th. Hopfner, 8 which at least

1 Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, IHQ. iii. 152-60.

2 Tubianski, Bulletin de VAcadimie de rUSSK. 1926, pp. 975 (T.

3 IHQ. 1928. « ZII. v. 305 f. B Indian Logic and Atomism, pp. 2${.

• Ibid., pp. 27 f.

' ZII. v. 305 ; the Nyayapraveca was used in the Manimekhalai (p. 309). On "the vexed date of the Cangam literature, cf. K. G. Sankar, JRAS. 1924, pp. 664-7.

  • Orient und gritckische Pkilosopkie (1925). For a probably forged reference to

Apolloiiiui of Tyana in a Sanskrit text, see M. Hiriyanna, IHQ. 11. 415.

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