104 PHONOLOGY ou : Skt, lokd- 1 space, room, world Lith. laukas ' plain Lat. lucus ' grove * ; bodhdyati * he awakes* (trans,), Lith. pa-si-baudyti ' to awake oneself *, O. SI. buditi ' to wake, rouse * ; sunds gen. sg. of sunu - ‘ son Goth, sunaus , Lith. sunaus . di : Skt. dat. sg. fern, sindyai, devyat, Gk. Lat. equae , etc.
- Skt. araiksam, s-aor. of rxc- ' to leave cf. Gk. ZXeupa.
di : Skt. instr. pi. vfkais , etc., Av. daevais, Gk. Avkois* ; dat. sg. idsntai 1 to him Av. aetahmai, cf. Gk. iTrrru), etc. du : Skt. naus ' ship Gk. vavs, cf. Lat. navis, eu : Skt. dyaus ' sky Gk. Zzvs ; dyauksam ‘ I joined *, cf, Gk. i^ev^a. du : gaus ‘ cow Gk. ftovs ; ; astau * 8 Goth, ahtau. Sonant Liquids and Nasals : r : Skt. prcchdti 'asks', Lat. -^oscr/ {<*^ 0 rscx/), OHG forscon ; pitfsu loc, pL of pitdr - ‘ father Gk. Trarpdcn ; ty/te- ' turned Lat. versus, vorsus ; mr/a- ' dead ’, cf. Lat. mortuus , wors, Lith. ' to die 0. SI. sumriti ‘ death *. I : Skt. mrdu- ‘ soft Lat. mollis, cf. Gk. dpaASvvto ' soften, weaken ' ; prthu- ' broad *, Gk. nXarvs ' flat ' ; ' w r olf *, Av. vahrka Lith, vilkas , Goth, wulfs. n : Skt. raa/a- f thought, considered *, ma/f- ' thought, idea * (man-), Gk. a vrofiaros ' of one's own accord Lat. commentus , mens, mentio , etc. ; Aa/a- ' slain ' (Aan-), Gk. ^aro? (: <f>ovo$ t etc.) ; asf- ‘ sword Lat. ensxs ; nima 4 name ', Gk. ovopa, Lat. nomen, Hitt. Idman ; a- ' not ' in djnata- ' unknown Gk. ayvcura?, Lat. ignotus , 0. Ir. ingnad. ip : Skt. ' hundred Gk. Ikcltov, Lat. centum, Goth. Awnrf, Welsh can/, Lith, Hmtas ; gtf/x- * going ', Gk. /Jam?, Lat. in-ventio , Goth, gaqumps ; abhrd- ‘cloud*, Av. awra~, Lat. xm&er ; so^/a ' seven Gk. in ra, Lat. septem. §2i. Notes on the Vowels The most characteristic distinguishing feature of Indo- Iranian as opposed to the remaining IE languages is the posses- sion of only a single vowel a corresponding to the three vowels a, e, o elsewhere, and likewise in the case of the long vowels, a corresponding to d, e, o. It is clear that this uniformity is due to a special Indo-Iranian development, since the other languages