पृष्ठम्:The Sanskrit Language (T.Burrow).djvu/१५८

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

THE FORMATION OF NOUNS 152 first class with fixed radical accent : javana- 4 hastening ' (jdvati ) , dydtana - * shining ' (dyotate), etc. (viii) Corresponding to -vara and -urd thematic adjectival stems are made on the basis of the neuter van- suffix, with two gradations, -vana and - una . (a) vagvand- ‘ talkative susukvand - 4 shining ', satvand - ' warrior ' ; from prepositional bases pra- vand- f sloping forward, inclined ’, udvana - ‘ elevated (b) mi- thund- f paired ' (Av. miOwara- from alternating r-stem), sakuna- ‘ bird ’ ( Jsak, as prophesying the future), aruna- ' red ddrund- * terrible ' ; with radical accent drjuna- ‘ white ' (Gk. apyvpos ‘ silver 1 from r-stem ; cf. also Skt. rjrd- from uncom- pounded r-stem), plsuna- ' slanderous, treacherous ’ (cf. Gk. iTiKpos; ' bitter, inimical from simple r-stem), tdruna - r tender ' (cf. Gk. Tapfy w r ith uncompounded n- stem, repvs , uncom- pounded j^-stem), visuna- ‘ various ' ; with penultimate accent, dharuna- ‘ holding yaiuna- ' energetic Fuller types of gradation are found in occasional forms : -avana in sravana- ’ lame 1 (Lat. cl-au-dus, etc.), lavand 1 salty 1 ; nt, salt ( *slavana - : Lat. sal) ; -ona in srona-, slond - r lame syond- ‘ soft, agreeable durond- f house (ix) The suffix -ind parallel to -und appears in a few words ; vrjind- ‘ crooked harind * yellowish : deer antind- * over- powering asind - ' old '( J as -) , sakind- f strong ' ; with radical accent, ddksina- ‘ right With guna of the first element the com- bination appears as ena only in the feminine sdmidheni (fk) 1 con- nected with lighting the fire In Iranian the combination -aina is common : Av. izaena - ‘ made of leather drvaena - 1 wooden etc. In Sanskrit there are certain further derivatives from such a suffix, namely the gerundives in -enya : vdrenya- ‘ desirable Iksdnya- 4 worthy to behold etc. The gradatjon -yana (cf. - vand , etc.) is not found in Sanskrit, but it appears in Av. airyana- ‘ Aryan The full grade of both suffixes (- ayana ) is not found but certain patronymics with double vrddhi (Ddk- sdyana etc.) appear to be based on such a formation. The corresponding forms in Avestan (e.g. V ayhuddtayana-) are without vrddhi. (x) Adjectival formations from neuter man- stems are rare : nimnd - ' low ; nt. depth The neuters nrmnd - 4 manliness ', sumnd- 4 kindness ' and dyumnd- 4 brightness ' appear from their accentuation to be of adjectival origin. Formations of this type are commoner in other languages, e.g. Lat. alumnus