पृष्ठम्:The Sanskrit Language (T.Burrow).djvu/२२४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

218 the formation of nouns combination loses its accent : indrdpusndh, somdrudrdyoh . The final stage appears when the first member appears in its simple stem form : indravayU (only example in RV.) vdyu- savitfbhydm, daksakratU, etc. Because the ending of the agent nouns, etc., in -tar in the nom. sg. coincides with that of the first member of the dual dv r andva, this form is chosen in dvandva compounds having such a stem as first member : pitaputrau ‘ father and son kotadhvaryu , etc. Plural dvandvas are exceedingly rare in the earliest language. Of the few examples indrdmarutah (voc.) and pitdputrah 1 father and sons J are modelled, as far as their first member is con- cerned, on the dual dvandvas. An example of the normal type, with simple- stem of first member, appears in a late hymn of the Rgveda : ajavdyah 4 sheep and goats In the later Vedic litera- ture such examples become more common : devamanusydh ' gods and men bhadrapdpah 4 good and bad In this period also dvandva compounds with more than two members begin to appear : prandpanoddnesu . Feminine nouns are not found employed in the oldest type of dvandva in the Veda, though such are known from Avestan : dpa urvaire 4 water and crops They appear in the later Vedic period in the fully developed type of compound : jdydpait 4 wife and husband A few neuter dvandvas of the fully developed type appear even in the Rgveda : satyanrU 4 truth and falsehood ahordtr&ni 4 days and nights There are also a few older types : idhmd - barhis - with two accents and istdpurta- with the first member modelled on the old type of masculine dvandva. In the plural dvandvas angapdrumsi r limbs and joints ' (two accents) and ukthasastrani 4 hymns and praises * the form of the first member may be interpreted as the old form of the nom. acc. pi. neut. At an early period there was created a type of neuter dvandva which functions as a singular collective stem : krtdkrtd- 4 what has been done and what has not been done trnodakd- 4 grass and water kasipupabarhand- 4 pillow and bolster In the examples both members are neuters. The same type also appears early in cases where one member is neuter, whether it be the last member as in kesasmasru- 4 hair and beard * and in klomahrdayd- 4 lungs and heart or the first member as in ahorat^d- 4 a day and a night J , sirogrivd- 4 head and neck ' and in yuga&amyd- ' yoke and the attaching pin Finally the stage