पृष्ठम्:The Sanskrit Language (T.Burrow).djvu/२८०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

274 NUMERALS, PRONOUNS, INDECLIN ARLES tion, by analogy, of the k- before the palatalising vowel is a common feature of Sanskrit in contradistinction to early Iran- ian. It has also taken place in certain of the thematic stems which originally contained the vowel e t e.g. gen. sg. kdsya , Av. cahyd t Gk, reo, O. SL ceso. There is a variety of adjectival and adverbial derivatives from this pronoun based on the three stems ka- } hi- and ku-. ka- : katard- 4 which of two ' (: Av. katdra Gk. rrorepas, Goth, hapar ), katamd - ' which of many > (; Av. katdma-), kdti 4 how many ' (: Av. caiti, Lat. quot), kathd , kathdm ' how ' (: Av. kaOd) kadd 4 when ’ (: Av. kadd, kaha ), kdrhi 4 when ki- ; kivant- 4 how much ' (: Av. cvant-) ktyant - * id ku - : ku in kUcit 4 everywhere kuv-it particle of interroga- tion (; Av. kil 4 where ’), kvd * where kuha £ id 1 (: Av. kudd s O. SI. kude), kutra 1 id kutas * whence J . The relative pronoun yd- is paralleled in Iranian (Av. ya-) Greek (os) and Phrygian (ios), and in various derivatives else- where. Its declension is of the normal pronominal type (yds, yd, ydd , etc.) and calls for no further comment. Among the various derivatives from it mention may be made of yatard - ' which of two ' (: Av. yatdra -), ydti ' how many yavant - ‘ how big J (: Av. yavant-), ydthd ' how r (: Av. yaOa), ydtra 4 where ' (: Av. yaOrd) , yadd 4 when ' (: Av. yadd) , yddi 1 if ' (Av. yeSi, yeiSi, 0. Pers. yadiy) . The enclitic pronoun ena- 4 him, her, it ' is used only in the acc. of all numbers, in the instrumental singular, and in the gen, loc. du. In other cases unaccented forms of the ay dm pronoun are used with the same syntactical function (asya, asmai , etc.). No pronoun which can be compared with this is found in Old Iranian, nor in the rest of IE, but possibly M, Pers. en, Mod. Pers. in go back to the same source. The pronominal stem avd- is nearly extinct already in the Vedic language, being confined to three occurrences in the gen. loc. du. (avos). In Iranian on the other hand it remained in common use (Av. 0. Pers. ava-) and a corresponding pronoun is found also in Slavonic (0. SI. ovii ). The unaccented pronoun tva- 1 a certain one, many a one ' (when repeated 4 one . . . another ’) occurs in the Veda but is absent from the later language. Outside Indo-Aryan it is pos- sible to compare Av. Owat, nt. sg. used adverbially (as also is Skt. tvat). Avestan has also a pronoun hvo ' he which suggests that