पृष्ठम्:The Sanskrit Language (T.Burrow).djvu/३११

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

THE VERB 305 be the same as the radical vowel. It appears in one class of present (the third class), in the reduplicated aorist, in the per- fect, in the desiderative and in the intensive. The main varieties which will be detailed below under the separate formations are as follows : (1) Reduplication with the vowel a (IE e) : dadhiti 1 places tatdna ' stretched cf. Gk. ycyove, Lat. pepigl , etc. (2) Reduplication with long d ; jdgarti , jdgara 4 is awake cf. Gk. Sr}Sexo.raL 1 they welcome etc, (3) Reduplication with the vowel i when that is not the vowel of the root ; Hsthati 4 stands didrksate 4 desires to see cf. Gk. tcrr T)fu, ylyvofiai, Lat. sisto, etc. (4) Similar reduplication with long i : djljanat t 1 gave birth to cf. Av. zizanmti. (5) Reduplication with weak form of vowel of roots in diphthongs : juhoti 4 sacrifices bibhdda * split cf. Lat. pupugi, scicidl . (6) Intensive reduplication with guna vowel of such rpots and similar reduplication with repeated final r t n, etc. ; nenikU 4 washes dMiste ‘ points out vdrvrtaii ‘ they turn (continu- ally) ' ; cf. Av. naenizaiti, daeddist, etc. This involves the com- plete repetition of roots containing only two consonants: nondva 4 roars mightily janghanti ' smites violently (7) Such intensive reduplication with 1 suffixed to the re- duplicating syllable : bhdribharti 3 sg., bhdribhrali 3 pi. This type alternates with one in which the i is suffixed after the root : johavlti 1 calls loudly etc. (8) Initial a may be reduplicated producing d {dsa 4 was ') or some more complicated process may appear. In the case of roots beginning with two consonants the first is reduplicated with the exception of the combination 5 y occlu- sive : susrdva 4 heard cf. Av. susruma, Gk. ice/oWe, sisriye 4 rested on J , cf. Gk. /ceVAirat, sastndra 4 remembered sasnau ' bathed etc. When the root begins with the group 5 + occlu- sive, the occlusive is repeated in Sanskrit : tisthaii 4 stands caskdnda 4 sprung J , pasparia 1 touched On the other hand, s (> h ). appears in the reduplicating syllable in such cases both in Iranian and Greek. The same type of reduplication appears also in Lat. sisto and in Celtic (Ir. - sescaind from skinnim ‘ jump out cf. Skt. skand -). Yet other varieties of reduplication in the case of these groups appear (a) in Lat. perfects of the type