पृष्ठम्:The Sanskrit Language (T.Burrow).djvu/९०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

PHONOLOGY 83 Not all the examples are to be accounted for in this way. In some cases there is suffix variation. Skt. dksi ' eye ' contains original -s- which is not to be compared with Gk. r in oktoAAos on the assumption of original p. Suffix variation should probably also be seen in Gk. t€kto>v 1 carpenter ' (*teks-ton) as opposed to Skt. taksan §12. Treatment of r and l In Iranian IE r and l appear indiscriminately as r. 1 In the language of the Rgveda this is predominantly the case. In Classical Sanskrit both l and r are found, but their distribution does not correspond exactly with that of Indo-European. In certain Eastern dialects of Indo-Aryan (notably in the inscrip- tions of Asoka and in the Magadhi of the Drama) only l is found. The treatment of IE / in Sanskrit is illustrated by the following examples : (a) l becomes r : rinakti ‘ leaves 1 : Lat. linquit ; sroni-

  • buttock ' : Lat. clunis, Lith. slaunts ; sarpis ' butter Toch.

A. sdlyp, of. Engl, salve ; at aini- ' elbow ' : Gk. u>Xh nj, Lat, ulna ; fravas 1 fame ' : Gk. kAco.?, 0. SI. slovo ' word ' ; gdrbha- 1 embryo 1 : Gk. ScXpvs ' id aSeA^o'r * brother ’ (cf. sodara -) ; cakrd- ' wheel ' : Gk. kvkXos ; parasu - f axe ' : Gk. TreXeKvs ; piparti * fills # : Gk. mfjLTrXrjfu ; pur - 1 city 9 : Lith. pills , Gk. TroAtF ; sri- ‘ to lean ' : Gk, kXIvo> ; surya- * sun Lat. sdi. (b) l remains : lubhyati * covets ' : Lat. lubei ; palild - ' grey- haired ' : cf, Gk. -n-oAto?, ttzXitvos, etc. ; °kulva - ' bald ’ ; Lat. calvus ; palava- 1 chaff J : O. SI. pleva t Lat. palea ; palvala- ' pond ' : cf. Lat. palus ' swamp ' ; plihdn- ‘ spleen ' : Gk. otttAtjv, Lat. lien ; dala- 1 portion ' : Lith. dulls ; kldman- 1 lung * : Gk. nXeu/juav. In comparing the Vedic with the Classical language we notice : (i) that in a number of words the latter has / where the former has r, and this normally in cases where / appears in other IE languages, e.g. laghu- ' light ' v. raghu Gk. iXaxys, Lat. levis ; plu- ' to float v. pni- y Gk. vXiw ; lip- 4 to smear v. rip-, Gk. aXclpoj ; iih- ' to lick v. rih Gk, Aei'x&j ; (ii) that a con- siderable proportion of the classical words which preserve IE / 1 There are a few exceptions in Modem Persian and occasionally elsewhere : Pers. USian 4 to lick Skt. rih-, tik, Gk. A ; lahrt 4 soft Skt. lab ’ lip ’ : Lat. labium ; Oss. said 1 cold * : Lith. Sdltas.